
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Book Project

    So I want to write a children's book. What do you all think? But I have no idea how to produce the manuscript, where to send it, if it would be a profitable experience or a complete waste of time? I have already began writing the story which takes place on a horse ranch and involves a couple of very cute donkeys but there is this voice in my head, no maybe it is more of a feeling of doubt that is telling me to stop before I even try and get the paper and pen out. So here I am asking my small and humble readership "What do you all think?". The story will not be another cookie-cutter religious book about Noah building the ark or a cutesier little A B C book, although the latter sounds like an easy project, but rather a real life drama where the actors are donkeys.

    Doubt and fear are two of our very worst enemies. They always are with us, they never really go away but hide inside our souls like a retro-virus just waiting for the opportunity  to appear bringing with them all of their trappings of defeat. These feelings are not from God because God is not like that, He wants us to prosper. He wants us to realize our dreams as long as they fit into His will for our lives. So where do these enemies of doubt and fear come from? Well, just think about the fear of failing for a moment. What is the worst thing that can happen to us? Lets jump into skydiving as an example, if your parachute fails to open you will surly die and the seconds  leading up to death would be horrific. Or maybe sailing to Hawaii, where the sail boat could spring a leak brought on by the repeated ramming from a large pod of Killer Whales who are waiting and eyeing you as the boat disappears beneath the water. OK, so I get fear so lets look at doubt. I'm standing on the side of the freeway its rush hour traffic can I successfully run the entire width of the freeway without getting hit by a single car. Or maybe I have smoked cigarettes all my life. Say, 5 packs a day and I'm doubting if this will increase the  likelihood that I will get lung cancer?

     How many people actually make it to the top of Mt. Everest or swim the English Channel? Not many, is it because its only super people who train and have developed skills that allow them to conquer their fears and doubts? OK, that is kinda true so now we are getting somewhere. I'm convinced personally that anyone can accomplish anything if they only would put their mind to it. Is it possible that your parachute wont open? Yes! Is it possible that your sailboat might sink? Absolutely! But life is for living and we need to take some risks in order to keep our fears and doubts in check. Do you know that there are people who do not leave the false security of their own home?

     Some folks never venture out the front door of their houses and what a tragedy this is. Contently sitting on their couches watching the Nature Channel while nature is just waiting for them in their very own front yards just steps outside their front doors. Get Off  Your Couch! Then there is the group of people that most of us are in who hear and read about life's success stories and wonder if we could invent something or accomplish some great task that no one has yet to complete. This group is a very large group of people of which you and me are a part. Our problem is that while the front doors to our  houses do not present a problem we allow other people with their own doubts and fears to cloud up our skies and bring those dark, gloomy rain clouds that will eventually  put out our fires and rain on our parade. 

     So I'm gonna throw caution to the wind, get my butt off my couch, step out of my front door, turn my laptop on and write  this children's book about 3 donkeys  Bonnie,Clyde, and Roxy. It might not ever get published let alone end up on the New York Best Sellers book list but I will have the satisfaction of thumbing my nose at my fears and doubts and sending them back into their dismal hibernation. So, are you ready? All donations and advance signed book sales can be sent to PO Box 771 Alpine Ca. 91901 , please include a postpaid self addressed book-sized envelope. And please allow some time for my doubts and fears to beat me up a bit.

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