
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


    Doldrums. Do you know what they are? Do you know where and why they exist? Did you know that 75% of the earth's surface is covered with sea water. The great oceans of the world are a large part of God's design for us to be able to live and thrive on planet Earth. The oceans are teaming with life and the majority of that life is found along the shallower, continental shelves of the continents on which we live. I live in San Diego, California where the ocean has a large part in contributing to our local economy. Commercial fishing boats regularly haul in tons of fish, other boats harvest kelp that can grow up to 18" in a day. Sport fishing boats too add another dimension to our economy by offering tourists a ride out to the rich, fish laden kelp patties off our local coastline. Sailing boats also grace the surface of our local waters as their sleek hulls glide effortlessly through the crest of a glassy, rolling sea wave. Its on these sail surfaces of sailboat's large, triangular sails where the wind's power can be  captured and redirected. This force when redirected through the mast and tiller breaks the water's surface tension propelling the boat through the water.

    Its interesting to me that  Dr. Luke, inspired by God writes that on the day of Pentecost God's power was revealed from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind that filled the whole house where they were sitting. When the Holy Spirit filled them, they all began speaking to and hearing each other  in their own native languages. The experience of the filling of the Holy Spirit was so severe that some men, who were not involved in the filling,  said in mocking voices " They are full of new wine".

    It is the filling of these humble men, who by the way were ready and willing to receive, that I wish to contemplate. In some ways God's children are like the sails on a great ship that when we make the choice to open ourselves up it then becomes possible for God to fill us with His great power. And just as in the mechanics of a sailboat, we then allow God's power to propel us through the waters of life. If one has ever been on a sailboat it quickly becomes clear that wind can appear in all shapes, sizes and sometimes chooses not to show up at all.

    The doldrums are found on an area on our globe, which is located at the equator. It is an area where winds are not consistent but are actually for the most part non-existent. Many sailors have drifted for probably what seemed like endless days and nights before finding the beginnings of a light trade wind. What hope that light breeze must have offered to them after bobbing around on the surface of the sea. The doldrums give you a feeling of despair where all of your hope evaporates into thin air. A haunting feeling that God has forsaken you, taken away His Holy Spirit and that your faith has gone overboard and is somewhere lost at sea. It is during these hopeless and trying times that as human beings we might desire death as a welcomed friend.

    Friends, if you ever feel like this know that you are not alone. Hold fast to your faith in God. If you don't yet have a relationship with Him, call out to Him and He will hear your prayers. And know that when you are in the doldrums it might look like a hopeless situation from your viewpoint but  be reassured that your drifting will not last forever. For on either side of the doldrums there is always waiting new hope! For while the Earth continues to turn God's refreshing gentle breezes will always be waiting  for you to open up and fill your sails with His never ending, powerful, rushing wind!

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