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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Chuck Smith

Chuck Smith, the evangelical pastor whose outreach to hippies in the 1960s helped transform worship styles in American Christianity and fueled the rise of the Calvary Chapel movement, died Thursday, Oct. 3, 2013, after a battle with lung cancer. He was 86.  Christianity Today 10/3/2013

I was afforded the rare opportunity to interview Pastor Chuck Smith on KPRZ 1210 AM radio in San Diego Ca. around 2010. It was one of my most favorite interviews as Chuck is one of a handful of men in my life who have modeled what Jesus would have been like.

One of my favorite stories from Chuck and is included in my interview of him is the "New Carpet Story". It is a classic story where this rather small but growing fellowship on Church Street, Costa Mesa, Ca. ordered new carpeting. As the story goes the date was the 1960's and Chuck's wife, Kay, had been inviting the long haired, drug laced hippies to church and introducing them to her Savior.

Unfortunately, the hippies came to church dirty and barefooted which caused the elders of the church to put up signs saying    "NO SHOES...NO ENTRANCE!" The leaders of the church also did not like them sitting on the floor on their precious new carpeting. So the boiling point was reached and a church meeting was scheduled by the church elders.

As Pastor Chuck listened to their complaints and it was now his turn to speak he calmly said "Yes, your all right, we do have a problem here with the new carpeting and the dirty bare feet of the hippies who are coming in to learn more about Jesus"

As the elders all began to breathe a sigh of relief Chuck slowly responds in his usual style. "Well OK, I guess we will need to remove all the carpeting as soon as possible"

I love Pastor Chuck Smith! He modeled what Jesus must have looked like! Rest in peace Chuck and I know he has just heard theses words from his Savior. " Well done My good and faithful servant, enter into your rest."

Dean Kellio
New Wine 10/3/2013

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