
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Wondering Out Loud

    Have you ever caught yourself wondering about things?  Like what kind of machines are used to make toothpicks or jawbreakers? If you stop once in awhile to smell the roses or read the ingredient list on the label of manufactured goods then maybe you've read what is in  toothpaste? There are radioactive isotopes in it and a waste product from aluminum production called fluoride.  Huh, why am I putting that stuff in my mouth when the dental hygienist wears a lead apron and stands behind a shielded wall before being exposed to X-rays? Also, along the same lines I have heard that mercury is put into vaccines to preserve them then it gets injected into our bodies? The EPA has passed laws that remove lead from the paint that you roll on your walls but the FDA allows mercury be used in our vaccines?
    Why do the people who park in disabled parking places never look like they have any disability or limp, use a wheelchair and are usually in fantastic health?  Red lights mean stop, green lights mean go so why do yellow lights mean go faster? One day while driving to work, I passed a young man in the middle of the street with a sign that said "Homeless and need money!"  but he had a venti, mocha-carmel latte in one hand, dressed in nice clothes and with his other hand was talking on his cell phone. Now the funny thing was I watched as people stopped to give him dollar bills. When I was growing up gasoline was .25 cents a gallon, water and air were still free and usually someone came out to pump your gas and wash your windshield.
     Do you ever really take time out to ponder things? Why every election year we hear "Change, change, change" from the candidates but get little or nothing that even resembles that the last guy who was in the office has even boxed up his things? Why do we have such strict sewage restrictions on land but our oceans are all one huge toilet where its legal for ships to dump sewage and what ever else they wish untreated right out into our waters? OK, our public governments like the Building Department for an example, they are here to protect and serve  so have you ever been down to your local building department? Your visit will not feel much like you are being protected or cared for in fact they should pass out cyanide tablets and razor blades as you take a number for counter help. Why do highway crews always close down one lane of traffic during peak traffic hours like at 8:00am or 3:00 pm? When you bake fresh bread at home it will last maybe 3 days before getting mold on it but store bought bread will be looking perfect for three weeks?
    I think Christians are like that loaf of 3 week old bread, they look really good on the outside but inside their hearts are spoiled and full of filth. They have received a mountain load of grace but spoon out very little of it to others around them. They are quick to tell you how to live but slow to make changes in their own lives that reflect being Christ like at all. Christians often shoot their own wounded and leave them to slowly bleed to death along side the road of life with a quick smile and a bold "I'll be praying for you!". Christians are a mystery wrapped in an enigma. Some Christian groups  are like one big "Hypocrites Anonymous" meeting where  you can hear "Hi! my name is Dean" lets shake hands and be friends but please don't ask me to really help you do anything or be honest about what my life is really like. Christians often drive too fast, never put their turn signal on but always have a bumper sticker plastered to the back of their car with the words "I'm saved but your going to hell!". They cheat on their taxes, race to take the front parking spaces at church and are always fighting to be first in a line. I say its time to change people!
    Maybe things have become that way  because we are just too busy and selfish to make time to change. God said that we are to meditate daily on His word. He also instructed us to be washed by the water of the word. How is your prayer life and are you reading your bible or are you contributing to the stench in our pews?  Do you ever wonder out loud?

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