
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


    Death is many things. It is an absolute, definite ending to the participant but a lifelong scar for all friends and love ones left behind in this physical world. The question all of us should be asking,  is there more to a person than just a shell or as the Apostle Paul described our bodies as "our earthly tents"? Does a human being posses a spirit, soul that has conscientiousness and continues to exist  after life leaves our physical bodies? Is our spirit immortal or is only God the Great Immortal Spirit?
    On October 27th, 1993 I received a call from my dad that my mother, Pauline, had succumbed to lung cancer after three months of living in continuous, brutal pain. Even though I had time to make my peace with her and prepare myself for her ultimate passing the reality of it was like something was taken from me that I could never get back.
    Grieving is a process and it  never ends although time is somewhat of a sedative. Maybe that is why Jesus said that in heaven He would wipe away every tear. You see, there are tears in heaven or why would Jesus be wiping them away? So October for me truly brings with it the darker shades of Fall, tears for fears and heart felt memories of my mother. The reality is that she has long since disappeared into history and I wont see her again until I too get to the other side.
    The other night on late night talk radio the guest was describing other past lives he had lived. And describing places he never visited in this life. Now I cant explain why he saw what he saw but this type of extra life experience is getting more popular. There seems to be a snag though, most people talk about extra life experiences where they are famous people nobody ever says that they were a criminal or trash collector in another life? I believe it is appointed once for man to die then comes judgement.
    In John 3:16 God tell us how much He loves us "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that who so ever would believe in Him would not perish but have eternal life". Now in this scripture we have God telling us that if we don't put our trust into Jesus, His Son we will perish. Perish means to cease to exist so eternal life is a gift and a state that God imparts to who He wills. I want that gift!
    In the book of Revelation God tells us that if your name is not written in the book of life your soul and spirit will be cast into the Lake of Fire, which is the second death. So here we have two words, perish and second death,  these don't make me believe our souls and spirits exist forever on our own merit? I'll take the free gift from God which is eternal life through His Son Jesus!

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