
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


     Today I drove to the Houlihan's, where I cut and split firewood for our wood stove at home. Our central heating and air went out a few weeks back (during the heat wave of course) and because I'm out of work we cant fix it. But I praise God for our wood burning stove and Paul Houlihan who allowed me to split the wood in the first place!
      Some of you who already know me  have heard that I have been out of steady work for at least 7 months. Yes, its true and I'm getting down to my last container of flour and  a very small jar of olive oil. What happens when it runs out? I'm wondering if one day I will make my last piece of pita bread and then die.
      It's not that I'm a slacker, right?, although my wife's "Honey Do" list is getting longer than Santa's long white beard. The reality of it is I think God is testing me for the coming church plant with Greg. He wants to see if I can trust Him completely. I am so excited about our new church with all of its  new possibilities. People need a different way to fellowship and break bread together because there are way too many "Mega" churches with their cookie-cutter themes and where people end up getting  lost in the Mongol Hordes.
     For the record,  I  am pursuing this new church plant with a brilliant, young, Irishman named Greg. It must be the luck of the Irish or my luck in having two great friends in Paul and Greg. I must get back to the firewood story. So Mr. Houlihan knew I had been out of work for awhile and so he says to me "Dean, why don't you come over and split some fire wood for your wood stove?". There is something to be said about a man who works hard at the task God has given to him. I'm a worker at heart and don't like sitting around doing nothing. Mr. Houlihan gave me exactly what I needed which was a hard day of  work and of course I'm now basking in the warm, red glow that is coming from my wood stove. God, thank you for friends! Greg, do you think we could have a  wood stove in our church?

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