
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Prayer Of Two Generals

I was thinking about prayer today. What are the mechanics and how does the process actually work? What are the secret ingredients of a healthy prayer? How does God hear and process all the prayers throughout  the world that rise continually to His throne room? Are there things I should not pray for? What happens when people pray for each other but for different outcomes? Which prayer does God choose to answer, which side does God lean towards? Does God's decision violate our "free will?

Back in the 1980's there was this movie, made for television,  about two generals from the Civil War, one from the Southern army and one from the Northern army., These two generals while both fighting against each other were praying to the same God for their own victory against the other side. To complicate things and really muck up the water, there were also black slaves who at the same time period were crying out to God for deliverance. This would not be a job that I would want to sort out or try and tackle. Does It seem like  God always choose the under dog?

There have been times in my life where I have  prayed for something and had my prayer answered immediately. Like in the movie "The Matrix"  where Neo's computer screen mysteriously types " Neo, answer the phone" and  the phone in his room  begins to ring. On the other hand I am still waiting for other prayers to be answered. At least there are only three replies for God to choose from. Its sorta like the food menu at the local In and Out Burger where you can choose from a cheeseburger, fries and a shake. These three replies God has available to tag your prayer consist of a tag that says "yes" another "no" and the last tag reads "not now or  wait".

Its really hard to wait for God to answer us. In the movie "The Princess Bride"  Inigo Montoya is left standing at the top of the cliffs of insanity, sword in hand, waiting for the dreaded pirate Roberts to summit so that he can finish him off. But  Inigo like most of us hate waiting. We demand instant gratification. Want an example? Just look at the cell phone in your hand its becoming a one stop do it all in a phone thing. We have given up on talking to one another verbally but demanding instant gratification we send each other  text messages at any time, any where with lighting speed. "I hate waiting" delivered with a thick Spanish accent and I'm betting so do you!

So what are the secret ingredients to prayer? Well, for starters we must pray according to God's will. Knowing what the will of God is requires reading and studying your bible. This is a life long commitment where the Holy Spirit is our personal helper. He comes along side us to lead us, pick us up when we stumble and fall. I like how the late song writer Rich Mullins put it in the lyrics to one of his songs.
"If I stand let me stand on the promise that You will pull me through. If I fall let me fall on the grace that first brought me to You!"

Jesus told us to always put the needs of others before our own. If we apply this principle to our prayer life an amazing transformation and renewing process begins to reshape the way we look at our own wants and desires. Most always when we earnestly pray for others, especially our enemies, we are praying in direct alignment with God's will. These prayers are very effective and usually get answered quickly.. Practicing self-less-ness   is what Jesus is all about. That is why when things are hard its probably because we are striving against God and are trying to operate in the flesh. If our ministry becomes a burden then it is time to step down for a season. Carnal Christians are really an oxymoron resembling flesh eating bacteria. In contrast when we yield to the Spirit it allows God to use us by filling us and directing us. He is quite a Devine choreographer.

Beginning prayer with thanksgiving is paramount. We need to thank God daily for taking care of us. It gets our thoughts off of our own needs and focused onto Him.  He is so very worthy of our praise. He holds all things together every atom and molecule is literally held together by God. Once we give our praise and worship to God we are free to humbly talk to our heavenly Father about anything. He cares for you deeply. And because He cares for you He allows trails in our lives that will ultimately strengthen us, temper us make us better people, actually turning us into the image of His Son Jesus.

The reason that churches have splits, disputes and division is because we are carnal and operating in the flesh. We are selfish wanting our way and not concerned about the needs of others around us. This is not what Jesus taught. If there are personality conflicts in your church your pastor needs to discipline the people involved. Sometimes this means removing them from their ministries that they cling to the way a super magnet sticks to steel. If a leader uses the word "I" allot that is a clue to the intentions of their heart. The sign of a true leader is one who becomes the servant of all. Jesus Christ was God himself, creator who humbled Himself to be clothed in flesh, hang on a tree for the sins of all. God was willing to become your servant and die for you. Jesus was a servant of all. Our Shepard King.
A perfect example for us to follow.

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