
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sermons From The Cave

"Sermons From The Cave" is a new YouTube.com channel, which can be found at this address....

The cave is a place where you can daily watch and listen to short 8 to 12 min bible teachings that will get you into God's word. The cave was an idea conceived out of prayer for a new world wide Internet bible teaching ministry. The YouTube channel provides the platform for people of all nations to watch and learn about the true and living God. The cave, high up in the mountains,  provides a setting where you can focus on what God is instructing His church to be doing.

Our cave team is committed to bringing you only the whole truth of what God has already revealed to a lost world. We are not affiliated to any one Christian denomination but rather prefer a label of "Followers of Christ" or "Little Christs".  We believe in God's word to be truthful, inerrant and complete down to the last yot and tittle. We believe all the books of the canonized bible to be inspired by God ( 2 Timothy 3:16,17). Part of our ministry is to teach you just how perfectly all the individual books piece together to make up the whole story. Simply put the bible is  a love letter to His creation, you and me.

Located high atop a mountain, the cave provides our team with a place to frame the simplicity of God's message. The cave has no stage, lights or modern technology other than the small video camera my producer uses to capture the 8 to 12 minute segments. Lief, my producer, is one of those high tech people who you call when your computer decides to rebel like Korah did before the entire congregation of Israel (Exodus 16). If I was Moses then I could see Lief filling the shoes of Aaron or Hur where they held up Moses' hands during a battle with the Amalekites thus working together to accomplish God's work.

Today in the United States our lives have become too busy. We fill every second of our day with so many things that tend to take the place of God. We don't look at this as idol worship but it is. The cave provides a natural setting where God can speak to our heart. These short 8 to 12 minute teachings will refresh you and feed you on God's word. Its a great way to witness to unsaved friends in your workplace or even in your own family. The cave is a place you can go to get alone with God, where He alone can speak to your heart from the privacy of your own laptop or I-Phone.

We want to welcome you all to take a visit to "The Cave" and sit, watch and listen for that still, quiet voice of God. A voice that wants to tell you He loves you. A voice that wants to tell you He cares. A voice that is longing to be let into your world and fellowship with you. Come and explore the cave with us and see what God has to say to you!

Here are the GPS corrodinates for the location of the cave....

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