
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Gathered Together

I love that line from the song where it goes..."Better is one day in Your court, then a thousand elsewhere". In these difficult times we all need to stand together, arms stretched out to catch a falling brother or sister. There is too much fighting going on  in the Christian realm right now about so many things that don't really matter. Its our pride that compels us to want to be right.

I have personally seen what pride can do. Over the years and in different churches I have seen the true motives of a man's heart. And they are wicked beyond our understanding Jeremiah 17:7-13. I recently witnessed a situation at a local church where a group of people couldn't settle into the "kingdom way" of doing church but wanted to rule and reign God's church the way they wanted to despite what the pastor felt was best. Some people love the spotlight and seek attention on the center stage. The spotlight is reserved for Jesus and only Jesus is worthy of our praise and worship. Run from pride all you people. Run for your life. Theology 101 in a nutshell..."Nothing but the blood of Jesus" and always put others needs and concerns before your own.

This world is beginning its final meltdown kind of like what we saw in Japan last year. Where the powers that be will try and prop up the world economy through market manipulation. It will not work and it is going to get worse and implode on itself  like a nuclear core meltdown. Jesus said it would happen and it will. I believe Jesus do you?

If you read your bible try reading through Matthew chapters 5,6 and 7. Here Jesus is teaching on a rise in the landscape to be able to get His voice out to the multitudes that were following Him. The purpose of this sermon from the mount was to get all the people thinking. Remember He had been walking from city to city through all the villages in between healing all who asked and casting out demons.So everyone wanted to get in on all the signs and wonder.

When you read these chapters keep in mind that since Jesus is the one talking, He is still alive and well. What I'm getting at is that the Lamb of God had not yet been slain and these people listening to Him were still under the law and the old sacrificial system. Jesus was teaching them rather proving to them that they cant keep the law. Which means we cant save ourselves we need a savior. Emmanuel. Its kinda sad how many Christians are continuing to strive for perfection through the law.

Our Lord ended that particular sermon with a story about two men who built two different kinds of houses. One built his house on a foundation of sand. Sand  when it gets wet does compact but it has no sure foundation to anchor a house to. This is really a picture of the old sacrificial system where endless sacrifices would never heal our wounds or take away our sin. The sand which could be considered animal blood in this analogy would merely wash over or cover over our sin and transgressions for one calendar year.

Jesus was setting the stage for what he was about to accomplish. Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! These words spoken by John,  should continue to ring true in our ears. So you see the man who built his house on the rock was able to withstand the storms of life. Even though the rain and the wind pounded and pounded he survived because he was being held onto by God Himself. The law was never meant to save us only Jesus can do that. The law was never meant to hold onto us only Jesus can do that! God is salvation lit. Jeshua. Is the picture getting any clearer?

Jesus once said "Oh how many times I have wanted to gather you together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wing...but you were not ready." paraphrased. People get ready cause there is a kingdom coming that you want to be a part of. You cant earn it or buy it or even live in a way that secures your place in it. You must call upon the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ to be saved. Love one another.

Shalom Mishpokah!

1 comment:

frank said...

Your reminder and encouraging words are good, thank you and Our Lord continue to bless you. One note, the law should always remind us that we need a Saviour, Jesus whom kept the law perfectly. And his law we should meditate day and night. It keeps us trained to model him keep us on the strait and narrow. We by obeying the moral law show we believe and love God...we are not saved by the law it condems us and shows our need of a perfect God and Saviour, Jesus...amen.