
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Wolves Guarding The Hen House

It would really be  a sad thing to see a wolf guarding a sheep fold or a hen house. What a funny, but sad word picture that brings to mind.Think of it kinda like giving a drug addict the key to the meds locker and turning, leaving them alone while you turn a blind eye.

We raise chickens at our country ranch house. They have to be kept in a wire cage at all times or else coyotes, raccoons, owls and other predators would swoop in and grab them, it has happened many times in the past. As night falls and twilight gives way to darkness, hawks and owls stalk their prey from high above diving down on their unsuspecting victims with pin point accuracy.

Any parent with young small toddlers knows that they must always keep an eye on their children. Kids can wander off inside a large department store in the time it takes to blink or take a quick glance in an opposite direction. I was once holding my baby daughter in Wal Mart when my wife asked me to hold her purse while she went to the ladies room. My hands were full of baby so after a minute of holding both the purse and the baby I set the purse down maybe 18" away from me.

There was this lady shopping close by where I set the purse down who while I was distracted by the Wal Mart clerk went into my wife's purse and took at least one credit card but left the purse where it was. After finishing shopping we went home where later that night we got a call from a Home Depot up in Los Angeles where the women who took our credit card was trying to purchase $1500 dollars of store goods. It's creepy to think that there are people in the world that are that sleazy. Evil exists and our world is full of  real predators. The woman who stole our credit card did mange to purchase about $ 2500 dollars of goods from other stores before going to the Home Depot. I'm thankful for the store employee who was alert to question this woman. The store clerk sensing something was not quite right asked for another form of ID. The woman then ran out of the store, denied service and our credit card confiscated.

With this knowledge in mind what is the situation  in our churches? We are vulnerable and our guards are usually down in church. When we gather together to  worship the Lord in the sanctuary, are our kids safe in the nursery and other Sunday school classrooms? Do you really know the people who are watching over them? Have the basic questions been asked and background checks been made before promoting people into leadership roles? How do you know for sure that the person sitting next to you is not going to rile through your purse while your eyes are closed and hands raised praising the Lord? It can be very scary to begin to look at our basic family security and our entire social world in this kind of light.

As the church of Christ the bible warns us about false teachers creeping into the flock. They seem very helpful at first but once established they begin to chip away at the basic foundations of Christian teaching until the sheep are following them instead of the pastor who God raised up to keep watch. They preach subtle differences in Christ's teaching,  diluting solid doctrine into something that is tepid and lukewarm. Their doctrine has a legalistic foundation and they show very little grace to others. They stir up drama inflicting injury to the fellowship by causing division in the church family. Brick by brick they begin to dismantle the church, one relationship at a time is compromised.These false teachers usually begin by rallying a clique of friends into a "New Super Group" of believers who are told they have all the "Real Answers". This group will try and recruit others who are weak in their faith and pull them into this "New Group". Others who oppose them are seen as enemies and are ostracized, ridiculed and finally cut off from fellowship in the name of church discipline. Beware the devil stalks his prey, those who he would devour.

Friends! Beware of false teachers who walk around in sheep's clothing! Your pastor should be guarding the flock where you fellowship the sheep should not be in control. If he is not protecting you then leave in haste, take your family away from immanent danger and find a place where you are well fed and will be protected! Your pastor needs to be using the "Rod and Staff" God has given him to watch His flock. He needs to always be on guard and ready to use his authority to stop these special interest groups before they grow and become an all consuming cancer to the church body as a whole!

People everywhere within the sound of my voice you must use your armor and the weapon God has given you for protection. God's word is living, active and sharper than a double edged sword. Remember to Pray! Always pray for God to give you the full picture or discernment in your life and area of influence. Keep your eyes and ears open to what is going on around you. Remember what Jesus said, that we are all like sheep who have  gone astray. If your pastor is a true shepherd than he will be keeping guard over you! Be on watch and be alert so that these false teachers will not creep in and steal your joy.

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