
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Friday, March 18, 2011

A Cog In A Larger Wheel

Joni Mitchel once sang this line in one of her classics from the 1960's "I feel to be a cog in something turning". Have you ever wondered about your fate? Or do you even believe in fate or destiny?

The recent disaster in Japan is just a cog in a larger wheel of destruction that is coming upon planet Earth. The huge earthquake while completely horrific has led to an even larger problem of radioactive fallout from Japan's damaged nuclear power plants. I heard a so-called expert on nuclear energy say on the radio yesterday that "nuclear energy is still the cleanest source of power available in the world". How absurd is that? With the fallout from the meltdown raining down on Tokyo and now Japan's off-shore prevailing winds will carry the radioactive dust particles to the west coast of the United States.

So what do we do? Shall we all duct tape our windows and doors shut. Stay in the safety of our homes and pray that the dust lands in our neighbor's yards and not ours? The Earth somehow seems smaller than it did just a short week ago. And even though I don't believe in Karma it seems more plausible today then ever. As the fallout begins to land on California, Oregon and Washington there seems to be some irony to the fact that we dropped two hydrogen bombs on their country in 1945,some sort of cosmic, yin-yan justice?

So the circle game will continue, the sun will once again rise on Japan and they will rebuild from the ashes. Politicians will pass new laws and powerful energy lobbyists will use this disaster to raise their prices on crude oil and natural gas. They never let a good disaster go to waste. Their corporate greed drips like blood from the canines of a ravenous wolf during feeding time. And yes, I feel to be a cog in something turning.

The earth seems to be heading for a crescendo. A climatic end to civilization as we know it. I don't want to sound like "Chicken Little" but don't look up right now. The "contrails" that you have noticed emitting from USAF jets that criss cross the sky are not what you think they are. I'm not totally sure either what or why they are spraying our skies but the spraying itself you can no longer deny. Since I was a child in the 1960's jet contrails have always disappeared behind the jets leaving them, but these new "exhaust clouds" stay in the sky and actually end up spreading out like a blanket leaving us with a hazy day.

So much for my attempt at fear mongering. Friends, it seems to be time for us all to wake up! Let's start working the problem of who is in controll of our government and start making some changes.Our politics don't seem to be working while our fore fathers have begun rolling over and over in their graves uncomfortable with the tyranny that has become so well rooted in this once great country of ours! So in closing, as just an average citizen, I would like to give you all one little piece of advice. Start looking to a higher power than yourself to help you from what is going to break on the near horizon.

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