
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Voyage of The Dawn Treader

     C.S. Lewis's  The Voyage of The Dawn Treader premiered Friday December 10th. It is a five star, five popcorn movie to be sure! Fox 2000 Pictures and Walden Media are getting my props for their superb production, special effects and their casting of the actor  who played Eustace Scrubb. Please support their wonderful efforts by not going to see it just once but again and again and again.

     There is one scene from the film where Lucy, who is now 15 years old, verbalizes an incantation to enable her appearance  to change into the woman she most admires. Lucy is now transformed through this magic and the aid of a mirror into the image of her older sister, Susan. What Lucy desired was to grow up and become someone else than who God had meant her to be. Have you ever wanted to become someone else? Have you ever attempted to become that person at any risk or at any cost to your family or friends? The mirror image of Susan begins to fade back into Lucy once again as Aslan, the great Lion, appears in an ethereal wisp of a ghost. Aslan asks Lucy, "Lucy, what have you done child?". Because when she turned into Susan, Lucy ceased to exist and never had been born. Which meant she never would have discovered the wardrobe and the magical land of Narnia in the first place. We all have a purpose in life but  the trick is to find out what our purpose is?

     I remember a similar figure in a garden many years ago asking Adam and Eve the same type of question "Adam, where are you? Why are you hiding?". When we miss God's mark for our lives, we fall short. To use an archery term we "sin" and miss the target with our arrow. God is light and there is no darkness in him at all. He exists as perfection  in all His ways from everlasting to everlasting. Our first reaction when we blow it is to cover it up or hide our mistake from everyone. I say we need to start admitting when we are wrong, when we fail, except the consequences by pulling up our bootstraps and moving forward. It is much simpler to do the job right the first time rather than having to re-think or re-do.

     Watching the movie was a very relaxing and enjoyable experience. I absolutely loved this film! It is a film you can take the whole family to see. My personal belief is that we need to send a positive message to Hollywood. By showing support and spending our dollars to go see The Voyage of The Dawn Treader we are  sending the message that they need to produce more movies of this kind. More movies of this kind  would leave a lasting mark on the film industry and have such a positive effect on our society. There are already  too many slasher, hateful and violent movies playing on the world screens. All you have to do is to turn on your TV and just watch your evening news channel to get your fill of reality. The world could use more messages of a positive kind. Messages of hope, joy, peace and love! What we need to hear is  the good news that there is still hope for the world in which we live. 

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