
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Goliath's brothers

It’s the little things in the bible, that as you look at them under a greater light, give you some incredible insights. It might be a certain number used or a name; it might be even as small and seemly insignificant as a date but, rest assured, every single  letter and punctuation mark are inspired by God written by men under inspiration of the Holy Spirit. 

An example of this is found in the life of David in the days when he was still tending to his father’s sheep. In the hills surrounding Bethlehem, David would watch over his father’s flocks. Healthy sheep, left alone without a good shepherd to tend them, are easy pickings for the lion, bear, wolf or coyote.  Any predator can finish off a lame animal that has fallen behind if the animal is left unguarded.

It was during this time of David’s life that he went to visit three of his brothers who were fighting on the front lines about thirty miles away. The armies of both Israel and the Philistines were encamped opposite each other in the Valley of Elah. The champion of the Philistines was a giant named Goliath who was from Gath. He stood nine feet tall and was a daunting figure as he stood every morning and evening taunting the army of Israel. 

As the story goes (1 Samuel 17:40-51), all the men of Israel were greatly afraid to go out and fight one on one with Goliath. So for forty days and nights, Israel had to endure the humiliation that was inflicted upon them by this giant; that is, until David came to visit his brothers. 

 David, with his staff in his hand, chooses five smooth stones from the brook. He carefully places them into his leather shepherd’s bag slung around his waist. The text says that David ran towards the army to meet the Philistine. Reaching into his bag he pulled out one of the five smooth stones.

With one relaxed, incredible aim with his sling David hurls the projectile into the forehead of the giant causing him to fall to the ground. David had confidently just said to everyone present “This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand; for the battle is the Lord’s and he will give you into our hands.”

It’s clear from the text that David was confident God would win his match with the giant Goliath. He was also well prepared at using his sling which he had used many times before as a shepherd. But the question that burns in my mind is why did he carefully choose five smooth stones from that brook? 

 The answer to that question can be found in 2 Samuel 21:15-22. The text mentions that Goliath had four other brothers that were born to a giant living in Gath. So David had picked up four extra smooth stones from the brook just in case one of Goliath’s four other brothers came looking for him.

So what giants are there in your own life? Do you have the same confidence in God that David had as he stood and faced the giant Goliath? Are you prepared for the battle as the giant shows up in your valley, to taunt you, trying to wreak havoc in your life? 

Know this first and foremost, that when Jesus died on the cross, He said “It is finished” and the veil was torn from the top down to the bottom. This carpenter-king has paid our debt in full allowing us to once again become sons and daughters of God inheriting eternal life that was prepared for us from before the foundations of the earth were laid.

 There is nothing left to fear in this life.  The sting of death has been taken away for all time. This redemption is awaiting you. You can’t work for it, you can’t buy it, you can’t be good enough to earn it but you must ask in order to receive it from the Lord! Won’t you ask Him to forgive you right now?

So with confidence you too can trust that the battles you fight belong to the Lord. Remember that Jesus Christ, who said He is the Good Shepherd and will lay down His life for His sheep, is always on the alert for that one little lost lamb. 

The Good Shepherd will not only lead you, feeding you on His word, but will also guide you safely to the fountain of living water that flows from the Father’s throne. In this life there will be giants to run up against; there will be trails and tribulation and pitfalls to stumble into but be of good cheer because Jesus Christ has overcome the world and this present darkness.

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