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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

God prophecy

“Prophecy is God’s way of allowing us to look back at what He has said and, seeing the accuracy of His word, to know that we can trust Him for the future as we listen to Him today.” Chuck Smith 2005. 

There is a great prophecy recorded in Genesis 3:15, which took place between God and Satan in the Garden of Eden where God said to Satan “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall crush your head and you shall bruise His heel.”  Ever since this prophecy was given Israel has been awaiting their Messiah’s return. Christians acknowledge that the Jewish Messiah has already and that Jesus Christ will return a second time to receive His bride, the church. Most agree that His second appearance is close, on our horizon and imminent.

 Jesus Christ was born into the world to redeem it. He alone will one day receive and open the scroll or deed to the entire planet. All people, at that time, will be subject to Him and have to stand before Him at only one of two judgments. For Christians, or “Little Christs”, we will all stand before Him at the Bema judgment to receive rewards for what we did with our time, gifts and resources God has given to us during our lives.
Every other soul who has cursed God, turned their backs on Him or worshiped other gods will stand before the Great White Throne judgment. If you find yourself standing before God at this judgment I’m very sorry for you. First your name will not be written in The Lamb’s Book of Life. Second, you will be judged for what you did during your life. And lastly, you will be separated from a loving God and cast into a place created for Satan and the fallen angels. A place so wicked Jesus described it as a lake burning with fire and brimstone where the worm never dies and where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. 

Have you ever lied? Have you ever stolen anything or manipulated your tax returns? Have you ever committed adultery, fornication or murder? Maybe, you have lived a sinless-perfect life in all areas? Let me answer that last question for you, NO!  It’s of the utmost importance that you settle this question about God now, because today is the day of your salvation. As Easter approaches some of you will go to church for the very first time this year and hear the gospel, the good news of how Jesus Christ died in your place and then came back to life promising, all who receive His gift of salvation, eternal life!

There are three incredible prophecies recorded in the Old Testament hundreds of years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem. In Matthew 21:1-11 we have a picture of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey that was foretold would be waiting for Him. He also was received as the Messiah as thousands of people cut and laid down palm branches and their own clothing for Him to ride over. All the while the crowd shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest”.

The first prophecy in Zechariah 9:9 says “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, lowly and riding on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey.” Zechariah recorded this prophecy 520 years before the birth of Christ. 

The second prophecy in Psalm 118:25-26 ““Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest”. Was written 675 years before the birth of Christ and literally fulfilled by the crowd that day Jesus of Nazareth rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.

The third prophecy is recorded in Daniel 9:24-26; written 536 years before Christ was born pin pointing the exact day that Jesus would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey presenting Himself as the Messiah. The text requires some intense study through mathematics, knowledge of Babylonian and Julian calendars and the starting date recorded in the book of Nehemiah.  Sir Robert Anderson and others were responsible for the research that proved that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on April 6, A.D. 32 fulfilling the prophecy given to Daniel by the angel Gabriel to the exact day.

At the last supper, Jesus would have sung this hymn (psalm 118:21-24) with His disciples gathered together at the table (Matt 26:30) before leaving for the Mount of Olives. “I will praise You, For You have answered me. And have become my salvation. The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.”

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