
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Sign posts; we are nearing the end...

This life is so very short. It really is but a vapor. We were not created for this present world system but rather God intended that we have a relationship with Him, walk with Him and choose to love Him out of our own free will. If you haven't noticed the world is sick, people are getting sick all around us and dying. It must be our environment, dirty air, dirty water and food that is pumped full of preservatives to extend shelf life of the item for maximum profit. Yes, our world is ruled by the spirits of greed, lust and selfishness. Thank God He gave us His Son and that we have another, better life waiting for us when He returns. Are you ready for the return of the King?  Read John chapter 3 and choose to be born again.

Another observation I had was that the solar industry and especially electric cars are starting to take off. Literally, electric cars are starting to out perform main stream gas powered vehicles. Have you noticed that every car manufacturer not only has a hybrid but now also boasts of a totally all electric car. The times they are changing but not for the power hungry corporate money managers who are migrating from their powerful global petroleum industry to the new immerging solar market. Folks, our world has been built on greed and the backs of the middle class blue collar worker since the curse.

But this system is not what God had planned back in Eden where the lion laid down with the Lamb. Where in the cool of the day Adam walked with God. In an environment where fruits and vegetables grew with absolutely no additional water, fertilizer or sweat of Adam's brow. The garden was Godly perfection, that is, until God made man. Adam maybe named all the animals but that led him to discover that he was alone without a helper to complete him. God had already created mates for all the other animals. Then in the next moment, in the twinkling of an eye,  God blessed the earth with the very first woman and man has not rested since.

Its interesting that the good news God has for us didn't begin at the birth of Jesus Christ. He carefully designed salvation even before He created a single atom. In fact He even built salvation into the name of the Messiah Jeshua ha messiah!  Jeshua means God is salvation. And you can even  find tucked away in chapter 3 of Genesis a promise that God's seed would crush the head of Satan, Lucifer  or the "shinning one".

So as we pass by the sign posts and see the glorious day approaching let us encourage one another with words of praise to God. Reach your hand out and help someone up of the ground, dust them off and smile saying "God loves you". Love, love, love, all we need is love, The world is not going to get better, no it will only get worse. The divide will widen as some people grow closer to God while others run away from God following the lusts of their own desires. But we can continue to shine our light to reflect His glory to all who are around us. Its been God's plan all along to save those faithful souls who would choose to love the Creator from a point of their own free will.


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