
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Father Abraham

At least three of the world’s largest religions can trace their heritage back to one of the greatest patriarchs of the bible, Father Abraham. Islam looks to Abraham as the father of Ishmael, the golden, who was born out of Hagar their Egyptian handmaid. Men and women of the Jewish faith look to the birth of Abraham’s son Isaac, as the promised crucial link in the Messianic chain that will one day produce their Messiah.  Christians rejoice and believe that Jesus’ is the promised Messiah and His Messianic thread can be traced back to father Abraham as well.

It is a great encouragement to me to see prophecy concerning Jesus Christ in the Old Testament books of the bible. As we begin to read chapter 12 in the book of Genesis, God starts to shift His focus and intent away from the world and begins to single out the family line of Shem, one of Noah’s three sons. Abraham, a descendant of Shem, is a man of faith. As a son of Noah’s he would have had firsthand knowledge of God as he helped his father work on the ark for 120 years. And then, when the rain finally came, he watched as God shut the door of the ark. There is always a remnant of God’s people who, while not being perfect, believe in or have faith in God. It’s only after civilization starts to move away from the ark that they begin to forget about God and begin to trust in themselves and their own abilities.

There has always been a remnant of God’s people who continue to trust in Him.  Abraham is one of those men who relied on God, who trusted in God to guide him through life’s dark valleys and struggles. God decides to make a covenant with Him beginning in Genesis 12:2-3 where God promises Abram, “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great;  And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” God goes on to tell Abram in Genesis 13:15 “For all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever.” 

All of these promises to Abraham have come true since Moses wrote them down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  Israel is one of the oldest surviving nations to date. They have survived several attempts of genocide against their people and still survive as living proof that God keeps His promises! On May 14th, 1948 the world witnessed as Jews were re-gathered into the Holy Land and the people of Israel were once again recognized as a nation. Abraham is one of the most recognized personalities on the earth; his name is great and he is revered as the Father of many nations. He is foundational as God begins to build the nation of Israel through his family line. Abraham is cherished by at least three major world religions; Islam, Judaism and Christianity.  Through Abraham’s descendants God blesses all the families of the world by giving us His One and only Son, Jesus Christ.

The more you study your bible, all the pieces of God’s plan will begin to fit together like a giant jigsaw puzzle and your faith will be begin to grow.  God’s living word will start a fire in your heart. These tender sparks will begin to ignite larger tinder and soon grow into huge flames that will fan out and spread to your family, neighbors and the community in which you live. We were never designed to walk through life alone. I encourage all of you reading these words to find a place somewhere in the spiritual community of Alpine. A famous preacher once stooped down and drew an 18” circle in the dirt. People that were standing close by and listening to the preacher watched him as he explained that true revival will start inside that circle. Needless to say the crowd continued to stare down at the empty circle in the dirt wondering what the old preacher was talking about.  Finally, the preacher stepped into the circle himself and explained that revival must first start inside of us.

Community is a great word picture of the body of Christ. It’s a bigger circle made up of all denominations of people who put Jesus on the throne where He belongs. There are at this moment many godly men and women meeting and praying weekly for God to start a revival in the city of Alpine. Denominational walls of separation are beginning to be torn down, brick by brick, as the body of Christ begins to feel the influence of God’s Holy Spirit. If you are a Christian leader in Alpine and would like to see the body of Christ in Alpine come together, please contact Joseph at (619) 546-3324. If you are a believer in Christ and want to join us in spirit,  then step into this 18” dirt circle and let God’s spirit light your fire!

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