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Monday, May 7, 2012

Memories of Mom!

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and just where we would be without our mothers?  Mine is no longer here on the earth with me but I can still remember her pleasant voice, fragrant perfume and her warm, wonderful smile. It’s funny how even just the slightest stimulus can trigger a memory of mom. For me it’s the smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, as air currents carry their inviting smell from cooling rack to the screen door welcoming me home again. It’s also the smell of laundry, freshly pressed, folded and neatly laid on my bed. Our dresser drawers were always full of clean socks paired up and tucked in upon themselves waiting for two young feet to slip in. Moms are really quite amazing and indispensible.

One day a year to celebrate Mom is not a fine enough tribute to the one who brought us into this world under great pain and duress. She never abandoned us for another, forgot our birthday or failed to mail us a card when we got older and moved away. Mom was a fine woman with a lovely knitted sweater that felt as soft as rabbit fur. And even when we stayed out too late in the rain and caught cold, she was always there with a soft Kleenex, ready to wipe our runny noses. It was like our moms could see into the future.  When something unforeseen would happen, there she would be waiting with a dry shirt, shoes and pants and of course a smile. She always traveled with a very large bag which was completely stocked up prepared for anything that life could throw at her. She was a rare cross between Mary Poppins, Chuck Norris and a pit bull.  God help the poor soul who managed to get between her and the little ones!

Twelve red roses arranged in a vase is not a great enough sentiment for the woman who lived to grab our hand and pull us out of harm’s way. Mom would always go to bat for us in a pinch even if it meant a trip to the principals’ office; she always had our backs and never gave up! When tragedy struck our favorite pet and he had to be put to sleep, mom bravely found the leash and carried him to the already running car. Afterwards, we could always cry on her shoulder. She would wipe away the tears and hustle back home in time to prepare dinner for our fathers. She was an incredibly driven soul who kept the house clean even when she should have been in bed from a bad case of the flu. She always clipped coupons before shopping for the groceries and cooked mash potatoes, gravy and fried chicken every Friday night.

There’s no medal of honor that is priceless enough to be pinned on the chests of our mothers who fed us and nourished us in the first few months of life. Her shoulder became our head rest as she paced back and forth night after night when we were sick. Mom barely slept; it was as if she was a watchman always alert and on guard waiting for our enemies. Just the slightest squeak, muffled cry or even a peep from our cribs would bring her up bounding up out of a dead night sleep. She always had an extra identical binky in her purse. Oh yea, moms are great warriors too and I wouldn’t hesitate to fight back to back with any mom at any time. Marines only wish they had the endurance our mothers had.

A cheap, drug store bought card hastily filled out would bring tears to her eyes. Slowly reading every printed word she would cherish them as if we had thoughtfully penned every line ourselves. When falsely accused, it was our moms who became advocates. And when we were not within her reach, our mother’s faithful prayers would continually rise up to God’s throne room. She made sure her faithful petitions for our well being and safety found their way into the Lord’s presence. In fact, not a night would go by when we were not reminded by our mothers to say our prayers before we went to bed. When our first day of school came, it was mom who encouraged us to take a step of faith and get into the huge, bright yellow school bus. And when it turned out to be the worst day of our lives, it was mom who had fresh cookies and milk waiting for us when we came home. Nothing melted our countenance quicker than her homemade cookies and ice cold milk.

 All the gold in the world would not come close to covering the worth of our moms. Later on, mom took on an additional roll as our children’s grandmother and faithfully managed to show our kids the exact same kindness she showed to us. It’s a mystery of the universe how God made moms so sweet, kind and caring and so very full of love. I know for certain there is a special place in heaven for moms, a place where they will be rewarded for all the good they did in their lives and just maybe when their children arrive to be with her, then the family will once again be reunited to sing her praise.

There really are no presents precious enough for our moms. Not enough gold or silver anywhere in the universe, but you know she would be happy just to get a hug from us, to see us smile as we left the house or even just to get a phone call when we moved far away. We were her treasure, the one she so lovingly poured her life into and raised us to adulthood. Thank you God for every mother you created. Happy Mother’s Day!

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