
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


It's almost Christmas time once again. What a wonderful season of colored lights, old friends and plenty of Christmas cheer to go around. You can feel the electricity in the air as all the decorations come back out of hibernation and take front seat once again in our homes. Home Depot is busy selling trees and other merchandise for stocking stuffers. Kids get a long awaited vacation from school and regular homework. And the best part of Christmas is we get to focus on the greatest gift of all... the birth of Jesus.

I know I have been hammering the over-organized church for the past couple of years so I promise to back off a bit in the coming new year. Actually I have been thinking of teaching through the New Testament  starting with the book of Matthew.  I'll be taking a chapter or two each week and exploring it with all of you in a down to earth what was really going on kind of way.. I know in my heart we, as the church of God, can do much better then we are doing right now. And with Christmas right around the corner now is the time for all of us to shine like the star that once shone over the new born King in Bethlehem. Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to all men.

What are some simple ways to bless others while out Christmas shopping? Maybe do something spontaneous like buy a McDonald's meal for someone who looks like they need it. Just smile and gently ask them if they are hungry, if yes,  then just extend your hand with the bag of food attached to it. That's all there is to it. Or maybe buy an extra coat, sweater or blanket and just lay it at the feet of someone in need. Please don't give money to homeless people. Most times people living on the street have drug and alcohol problems, instead shop for them too!

We can spend plenty of money on ourselves but when we hear the Salvation Army's bell ringing and that bright red kettle clanging we all metamorphose into Scrooge himself. Don't be afraid to love people. People on the street don't have access to showers so they are dirty, over look that and instead look deep into their soul. Show them God's love by having a soft heart yourself. Jesus tried over and over again to teach us that relationships and loving others is what this journey we call life is all about. In fact these small treasures are the only thing we will take into our next existence.

Now for the practical stuff. Remember there is a spiritual battle going on out there in the hidden realm. Its a battle that has to be fought in our minds before we go out into the world. So as any good baseball or football coach would do before the big game I'm gonna give you all a pep talk. And as your spiritual adviser before you go out onto the highways and the byways and in and out of  retail stores we need to get in focus.Lets look at  our "Play Book" one last time..
  • Pray: Always pray before leaving your house. Better yet take communion, use real wine if available.
  • Driving: Remember everyone is on a mission right now and you are not part of their mission. Yield to all other drivers, take deep, long breaths and sing praise songs while driving.
  • Parking: Try something different like taking a bus, train or trolley. If you must drive then why not consider car pooling with friends as it makes for a much better shopping experience. Keep in mind to always yield parking spaces to others and park in the far back of the lot at all times. We pay for the roads but we don't own them.
  • Spending: Jesus is the true gift to the entire world and the reason we celebrate during Christmas so don't spend too much time and money on gifts. In fact December 25th it isn't even close to His real birth date. Have an amount of money  that you will  not go over. Remember just because things cost more doesn't mean they have a better value to loved ones. Don't get caught in that kind of guilt trap.
  • Celebrations: Go to as many Christmas parties, plays and music events as possible. Fellowship with everyone you bump into. Be happy and tell people about yourself and your faith in God if the opportunity arises. Relationships start at "Hello, my name is____________) fill in the blank with your own name. Preach the gospel and use words when necessary.
  • Down Time: Take some time for yourself. A bath, a good book, a movie, a long needed phone call to a family member and most of all make time to get alone with your Heavenly Father.
  • Fruit Cake: DON'T EAT IT! Its been proven that all toxic waste ends up hidden in it. Its a huge conspiracy.
  • Saint Nicholas: You know I get tired of Christians who are wet blankets. While its true most of our sacred holidays have a pagan origin, lets not throw the baby out with the bath water. Learn more about where the Santa Clause tradition came from. Read about Saint Nicholas and how he blessed poor children. People where given Sainthood because they did some incredible things for others. Now having said all that it is important to know what you believe and why. Its also OK to have fun as a Christian. Jesus loved to hang out with regular people off the streets. He loved to eat and drink with them. (Would someone from Horizon please tell Mike Macintosh that it was real wine in the cup that Jesus drank from and passed around on the night of the Last Passover!).
So in closing, May God's Spirit truly bless you and yours this Christmas. May your stockings be full of trinkets, your house full of family and friends and your heart always ready to reach out to someone, whoever, whenever God asks you to do so. May the warmth of our hearth fire, the smell of our Christmas meal and our prayers for you all find their way through this sinner's blog and settle in your hearts. God bless you all and may you have a very joyous and Merry Christmas as we all give thanks to the Father for the Christ child, Jesus our Emmanuel. Remembering God is always with us.

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