
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Monday, March 16, 2020

operation Q

“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.  Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,  looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?”  
Ben read these words through the dim red glow of the armored transport’s cockpit lighting panel. His team had been training relentlessly for three years on secluded bases owned by the government. Tonight was no different than any other training exercise except that this night they received a “go Q Team” for their operation. 
Ben looked out the bullet-proof porthole as rain clouds, back-lighted by a full moon, lingered in the dark night sky forcing him to use his night vision visor.  Ben was part of an elite team that had been chosen from all branches of the military. He was a marine and proud of it; he was also a Christian man with a wife and three children back home.
 Reaching into his pocket he took out a picture of his children. It was taken on a hot summer day in the local park where they were enjoying swinging, eating ice cream and were full of smiles. It was a happier time when the government allowed families to gather together in public before the Dark State had infiltrated all branches of government.
Ben breathed deeply and let out a sigh. He re-read the verse in his pocket bible “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night” The wet weather along with alternating hot and cold temperatures had brought on a virulent cold and flu season that was rapidly spreading throughout the world. Many countries had locked down their borders some were even under home quarantine.
Ben knew from his bible reading that the world was in a huge spiritual war that had affected the minds and hearts of many leaders around the world. They were part of a system that spurned God and did everything they could to suppress freedom while promoting poverty and suffering. They had been winning this unseen war for many years, but that was about to change.
“The Great Awakening” was God’s plan to retake areas under the control of these dark forces. Ben was one small piece of that puzzle. The team was made up of Generals, Police Captains, Border Agents and the list of good guys went on and on. They had kept the operation secret but now Q Team was on the roll!
Marshall Law had been declared or something that resembled it, a home quarantine where ordinary citizens would be safe from the mass arrests that where coming. The streets were already empty as the armored personnel carrier came to a sudden stop in front of a gated compound owed by a high government official. 
Q Team said a final prayer for the safety of the non combatants, their own families and for themselves. Suddenly it was time to go as military dog handlers surrounded the perimeter and engineers used lasers to silently cut through the gate’s hinges. In a split second Ben’s team was on the move covered from head to toe in body armor equipped with both lethal and non lethal weapons. There was only silence as the team made its way to the side door of the large luxurious mansion.
Without incident the compound was penetrated, arrests made and the team was in route back to base without a shot being fired. The good citizens living around the neighborhood were still asleep and had no knowledge of the operation or that these criminals had been taken into custody. They would eventually discover the truth and be amazed at how such an elaborate plan had been kept secret and unfolded without them knowing.
Once worldwide news networks, governments and local offices were freed from tyranny the world would finally understand how they had been enslaved in a world that was created around them like the walls of a prison. Pain, suffering and the oppression from power would no longer exist. God’s kingdom was coming and the last and final King was about to take His throne!
 Jesus once said that “The truth would set you free!” and it will! He also said “I am the truth, the way and the life and that no man comes to the Father but through Me! God indeed loves us and He is about to return for His children!


Monday, March 2, 2020

Chuck Smith 2010 interview with pastor Dean Kellio

Hear the prophetical interview

In 2010 I had the rare opportunity to interview Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. The interview was a non sanctioned CCCM or Word for Today production but rather a friendly acceptance to be interviewed by a relatively obsure CC pastor Dean Kellio.
The interview, which took place in 2010, was unique because Pastor Chuck was asked about the future of Calvary Chapel given his declining health and ultimate death on October 3, 2013. His answers were prophetical and shed light onto the division that has taken place in the Calvary Chapel movement. They also give us insight to what pastor Chuck Smith wanted to see happen in leadership moving forward.
From the start I was descouraged to proceed to get permission and on several occasions several CC pastors told me I would never get the interview. God had a different idea which included a personal visit where Chuck just smiled and said "yes" to the interview.
My prayer is that this interview would both heal broken relationships amoung the leadersdhip restoring unity to the non denominational ecclesia.


The keys

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” I quoted the bible verse into the microphone hanging from a swinging boom in the K-Praise studio.
 “That’s been one of my key verses through the years…I love it!” returned the familiar voice of Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.
It was now late fall 2010 and I had spent many months working on getting an interview with Pastor Chuck Smith. Phone call after phone call along with long threads of emails to Laura Jackson, Pastor Chuck’s secretary, turned up no hope for an interview. However, I was determined to interview the iconic pastor God had used to light the fires of the “Jesus Movement” of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. 
“No, you will never get an interview with Chuck, I won’t let that happen” said another pastor and colleague and co-host of the call in talk show Pastor’s Perspective.
I was discouraged to say the least, bruised from running into so many roadblocks and walls and could hear the enemy of our souls laughing out-of-control at me. When the echoes stopped I knew in my heart I had to keep knocking on the door at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. I knew in my head that it would only be God who would eventually open the door.
Later, that same week, I was invited to a pastor’s conference at the Logos building on the campus of Costa Mesa. I climbed into my truck with Pastor David Riley and made the two and a half hour drive to Pastor Chuck’s office. When we arrived at the small gathering I was introduced to Pastor Chuck. I told him I was a candidate for senior pastor at a church in Santee, California, to which he replied “We need a good man there!”
After telling him that I was a teaching pastor at Calvary Chapel La Mesa, he recalled a story of how he almost took a pastor’s position at an Assembly of God in that same city but God had closed that door. Good thing for the Jesus Movement of the 1970’s or else we would not have the teaching that Jesus Christ is our friend, loves us and wants us to have a relationship with Him. Not to mention the hundreds of songs that were written, hundreds of churches that were planted and a large sheepfold full of pastors that were birthed from his being obedient to follow God.
On October 3rd, 2013 Chuck Smith went home to be with the Lord. Now his personal, hands-on influence is gone and his teaching and leadership style has changed in some of the affiliates. Now some of the new generation leaders believe his system of verse by verse bible teaching has lost its appeal among young people as new ideologies and methods emerge.
There is nothing new about these emergent, seeker friendly churches who spurn bible prophecy and solid doctrine in order to invite the spirit of Jezebel into their sanctuaries. They are actually fulfilling prophecy as the ecumenical, apostate church begins to grow. We are nearing the time in bible prophecy called the 70th week of Daniel. Are you ready?
In the letter to the church in Philadelphia the apostle John writes “These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens" Revelation 3:7
Jesus has three keys mentioned in Revelation; the key to Hades, the key to death and the key of David. We know that keys both lock and unlock doors. It is interesting that the Romans, at the time of John’s writing, had just developed the first working lock and key configuration. We know that Jesus has the key to death (power over) as He rose to life in the resurrection. We know he has the key to Hades (all authority) where the devil and his fallen angels will be cast and Jesus also has the key of David.
The key of David points to Jesus being of regal birth, royalty and the Everlasting King who alone can unlock the door to His everlasting kingdom. In John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”
“Then Jesus said to them again, "Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.” John 10:7 “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” John 10:27
Do you hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and do you follow him? Only Jesus Christ has the key that can open the door that leads to everlasting life!


“How long will you falter between two opinions?” asked Elijah of the people of Israel gathered on the Mount Carmel. “If the Lord is God then follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.”But the people answered him not a word.
The prophet of God proposed a challenge to the prophets’ of Baal that they should each build an altar and prepare a sacrifice, and the God who answers by fire is the True and Living God to be worshiped.
The sun was hot that day even with the cool breeze coming in from the bay at Haifa. Four hundred of Jezebel’s priests gathered around their altar chanting while hastily preparing the sacrifice for Baal. Soon they were ready and began to chant and dance around the altar. Minutes went by and then hours passed as they began cutting themselves as a way to provoke their god to action but nothing happened.
“Maybe your god is using the restroom, away on vacation, sleeping or otherwise busy?” taunted Elijah.
Now it was the man of God’s turn. Humbly the prophet prayed “Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known this day  that you are God in Israel and I am your servant, and that I have done all these things at Your word. Hear me, O Lord, hear me that this people may know that You are the Lord God, and that You have turned their hearts back to You again.”
Suddenly fire fell from heaven consuming the burnt offering, wood, stones, dust and licked up the water in the trench. When the people saw this they fell on their faces saying “The Lord, He is God! The Lord, He is God!”  and so they killed all the prophets of Jezebel with the sword.
 King Ahab’s wife, Jezebel, had brought polytheistic religion (worship of many gods) of the Sidonians into the monotheistic relationship (worship of the One, True and Living God) of Israel. Two distinct theologies, polytheism and monotheism, were not capable being joined together but created a separation between the two as oil floats upon water.
In Revelation chapter two, the letter to the corrupt church at Thyatira, Jesus says that they had allowed this seduction of Jezebel, the mixing of religions, in the church there. While there was still a remnant that remained faithful they were tolerating this apostasy.   
We know, in retrospect, that the seven letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor had a manifold-threefold prophetic purpose; Information to the churches of John’s day, a distinct church age from Pentecost to present and correction for individuals throughout history.
The church age represented by the church at Thyatira is a period from 590 A.D. to 1000 A.D., the dark ages of history when some would say that the corruption of the church was at its pinnacle. It was a time when the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which Jesus said He hates, was being organized, added to and in full swing. It was an age when pagan practices, idolatry were being mingled with Christian works and worship.
The original command-vision of Jesus to His ecclesia had been perverted with lust for power, greed, schisms and the idea of supreme papal authority was growing out of control like a cancer. It was a duality that was in direct conflict with the simple message Jesus imparted us with which is “to love God with all your heart, mind and soul and to love one another.”
During this period of church history the Church of Rome instituted the Inquisition in much the same way Jezebel persecuted and killed the prophets of God, killed Naboth and confiscated his vineyard property. The universal church was growing both in power and centralized authority.
Jesus warned this faction at the church at Thyatira to repent, turn away from following idolatry and begin living a life that is separated (holy) unto God or else they would go through great tribulation. Although this is a picture of the future apostate church it also can apply to us. Jesus ends the letter to the church at Thyatira encouraging the faithful remnant to hold onto truth until He returns for them.
Our Lord also had six good things to say about the faithful remnant that was there. “I know your works, love, service, faith and patients; and as for your works, the last are more than the first.”
What is interesting about all six of these commendations is that they are all spiritual gifts or fruit from the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-26). As we begin to mature in our Christian walk we realize the depth of our depravity which compels us to surrender to the Holy Spirit. As we repent and give more and more of our inward territory to Him, He bestows these spiritual gifts upon us.

For sale

“Where can we set up our product table?” asked the young worship leader from a large church in Los Angeles.
Other people browsed the crowded tables looking for the latest “feel good” tracts that they could introduce at their own churches in the following weeks. A&R reps and other talent scouts listened to acts while sipping coffee in the main sanctuary.
“Religion is big business!” said one of the reps as he slapped his competitor on the back. “But you know we make more money on selling tee shirts, bumper stickers and concert tickets then bibles and you know how much of a mark-up we put on those!” Selah.
Is anyone appalled at the fact that religion has become a business? What have you spent on bibles, commentaries and study guides and in the last ten years? Oh my goodness you might pay upwards of eighty dollars for a good study bible as the authors are plastering their own names on the front cover. In contrast many Jews will not even pronounce the name of God.  
Many religious gatherings prefer to use study guides rather than the bible in their weekly bible studies. Maybe, studying the bible means actually reading a canonized translation then praying and asking the Holy Spirit to illuminate what you have read.
Marketing Jesus is big business as cross-shaped necklaces, coffee cups, pins, tattoos and nativity scenes bring the world into the ecclesia. Millions of dollars flows through church 501C3 organizations for extra biblical items as the “called-out” ones are being “called-into” the commercialism of Christ. 
In the book of Revelation chapter 2, the seven letters to the seven churches, the church at Pergamum was this kind of compromising church. They were living in a city that was a pagan capitol of idol worship. Located on the slopes of Pergamum were many temples to Athena, Zeus, Dionysius, Asklepios as well as several temples to Roman Emperors. We know from the book of Acts chapter 19:21 that Paul started a riot in Ephesus by preaching “The Way” which impacted the local silversmith’s business of selling trinkets of Diana and other idolatrous religious icons.
While the church at Pergamum held fast to the name of Jesus Christ, meaning that they upheld the gospel, his death, burial and resurrection, and his seat in the Godhead, Jesus said he had this against them that they held to the doctrines of Balaam and the Nicolaitans. Now this is where you need a few study helps and a good study bible with commentary. So I am not against selling bibles and extra biblical books but rather the adsorbent costs of these items and our dependence on them rather than the bible.
Thanks be to God for the Gideon’s, who still put free bibles in hotel rooms and give away cases of them on a regular basis! God always looks at the heart, judging man’s motives and every idle word he speaks. We cannot hide from the One with the eyes that are like a flame of fire. In the end Jesus will burn away the dross from our works and reward us at the Bema for what remains.
So to understand the doctrine of Balaam we need to explore the scriptures reading the book of Numbers chapters 22-25. We find that as Balak, the king of Moab watching as over two million Israelites of the Exodus descended upon his kingdom, that he hired Balaam to curse Israel in a feeble attempt to stop them from entering their lands. When Balaam refused to curse them, Balak invited the men of Israel to Acacia Grove to the sacrifice of their gods and fornicate with the women of Moab which many did.
The doctrine of the Nicolaitans is up for interpretation. The word “Nicolaitan” is a compound word made up of “nikao” meaning to conquer or rule over while “laos” means the people or laity. So this doctrine that Jesus hated is when men of the church try to conquer or rule over the body of Christ. We don’t need a hierarchy to be forgiven of our sin. The bible says that there is but one mediator between God and man and that in the man Christ Jesus.
 We should not have one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom of God. God wants us to have both feet in his kingdom. As we near the end of the “church age” and the seventieth week of Daniel begins, we need to keep both eyes open for compromise. Daniel’s friends would not bow down to the golden image of Nebuchadnezzar and while God did not spare them from the experience of being thrown into the furnace, he walked with them through the fiery trial. Let us be set apart only for God’s use.