
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Friday, September 14, 2018

An empty pen

What is the measure of a man’s life? What is the sum total of all his labor? For me the last eight years have been consumed with writing an eight hundred word faith column every week which was published in news papers and posted on the internet at http://newwineoldwineskins.blogspot.com
I have never received so much as one copper penny for all my labor and if I do the math to see what I have accomplished it calculates out to four hundred and sixteen separate eight-hundred word essays or 332,800 words. It makes me wonder how many of you would go to work knowing you would not be getting a paycheck. 

In addition to writing, I also prepare weekly sermons for a 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning service at Oakzanita Springs Fellowship located at the old Thousand Trails Campground off highway 79, a few miles past the sleepy town of Descanso which eventually winds up to Lake Cuyamaca. The campground is a lovely setting to teach the truths of God and everyone who works there is very nice.

As my week progresses I travel to Calvary Chapel La Mesa to teach the “Tuesday Night Live” thru-the-bible study that is recorded and can be found on Calvary Chapel La Mesa’s Face-Book page . The ninety miles of driving to get there and back from my home consumes most of a small stipend that has only recently been provided by the senior pastor. I started there in 1987.

My week continues on Wednesday night with worship and praise which begins promptly at 7:00 p.m. After worship I teach thirty minutes on the life of Christ. The fellowship meets at the Youth Center next to the Alpine Post Office. I started five years ago with two people which have grown slowly to fifteen faithful people. One woman who regularly attends wrote books for Ruth Graham. Another man spent his entire life flying Trans Atlantic flights in 767’s air bussing people to and from Europe. 

However for all of my ministry and labor of love there has not been any food put on my table or power bills paid to keep my lights on. So I really do know what it means to labor for love.
Recently, however, a friend of mine offered to publish an anthology of my writing. He graciously labored with the publisher’s demands, paid for their service and tried to keep me encouraged along the way!

What will be the end result of all our labor? Could it be a box of one hundred paperback books collecting dust in a dark garage somewhere? Where maybe a random book gets pulled out once every other year to be presented to reluctant friend or family member?

So what is the measure of a man’s life? Is it how many friends he has or how many cars are parked in his garage? Could it be the amount of time he spends each day at the office or maybe it is a list of laws he has managed to pass in congress?  

Could it be the size of his family or the love of his life that sums up the total worth of a man? Is it daily kindness or his service to others in need that gets recorded somewhere for eternity?  Will he enjoy heavenly rewards for all his labor here or shall his rewards be stored in heaven?

Every once in a while I will get a letter or a call from a someone who has read my column and has expressed their appreciation that the words on the written page has in some way encouraged them or filled them with hope. I always hold onto your encouragement and ask a blessing on those who take the time to write or call.

At this point in my life I would have to agree with King Solomon when he once penned that “all is vanity.” We are all so frail, so easily swayed and so quick to fall away from God. As I look down the sea shore of my life and see where once two pairs of footprints traveled side by side in the sand there is now a single set. Where I once walked beside my Savior, I now hang lifeless in his arms as He carries me the rest of the way.

We were not created to live forever in this fallen world. Our eternal covering of light, which once protected us, vanished as Adam and Eve rebelled in the Garden of Eden.  However, God in His everlasting mercy and grace provided death so that we wouldn’t be sentenced to live eternally in sin.
The Great Day of our Lord is fast approaching and His redemption draws near! Eternal life with all its blessings in right around this carpenter’s corner!

My final choice

 I have made my final freewill choice. I have decided I no longer desire to have freewill.   It has caused so much pain and suffering in the world that I no longer desire to have a choice, so I have willingly given my freedom back to my Creator.  

I can almost hear  you crying out in unison “No, you can’t do that!” 

Sorry, I cannot hear you but I have already made my last choice and given my freewill back to my Maker. What a burden has been lifted from my shoulders as I no longer have to worry about committing the only unforgiveable sin; unbelief in Jesus Christ. 

I am so glad to become a bond servant of my Master, now living forever, in the household of my Heavenly Father. I am sad for all of you who insist on living your old life, which is filled with wrong turns, heartbreak and confusion.

 “Lord, put a ring through my ear and make me your bondservant. Dear God, I am tired of living a life of self-centeredness. I want to live a life where goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life. Oh, how there is safety in your courts and blessing in your presence. My spirit longs to join you forever!”

Rich Mullins, Christian songwriter, once wrote “Let mercy lead, let love be the strength in your life, with every footstep that you take there’ll be a drop of grace.” When we surrender to God’s will, surrendering to the Holy Spirit then are we abiding in the True Vine. Rich would write another prophetic line before entering heaven himself “If I stand, let me stand on the promise that You will pull me through; And if I fall, let me fall on the grace that first brought me to You!”

Jesus has washed me. He has washed me in his own blood and now there is no longer any condemnation for my eternal spirit. So raise a banner, blow the shofar and shout to God for our salvation has finally arrived. No longer will I fight this spiritual battle in the flesh or give the devil an audience. I have decided to follow Jesus by becoming His bondservant. 

Personal freedom is not worth the price of possible damnation, separation from the King. For we are here on earth for only a moment but one day we will arrive safe on heaven’s shore and see God face to face. 

 I gained everything when I returned my “freewill” back to God. I no longer have to worry about my salvation being buried in dead rituals or following other gospels of works and repentance. No, for I have discovered, as a branch, if I stay connected to the True Vine that repentance is a fruit that is produced as the Holy Spirit is allowed to flow into my life.

There is only one church and Jesus Christ is the head of it! He called us out of the world to put His Spirit into us then sends  us back into the world to communicate the gospel, and use words if absolutely necessary. 

For we are his workmanship, created for good works that He created ahead of time that we should walk in them. Open a door for someone, lend a hand to help someone up off the ground, be kind and don’t let the enemy cause division or strife in our congregations. We can agree to disagree on non-essential theology and doctrines; however, we cannot diminish or modify the fact that Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. 

The blood of Jesus Christ is the most powerful substance in the entire universe. Jesus’ blood was pure, separated by Mary’s placenta while in her womb, so that the Son of God’s blood never mixed with a daughter of Adam. Although he had a belly button Christ was the only One who could reverse the original curse that was levied in the Garden of Eden. 

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.” Genesis 3:15 NKJV.  This verse is considered the “First gospel” where the text hints at the virgin birth of the Messiah, Christ’s passion on the cross and the destruction of Satan. First, enmity refers to the strife through an ongoing spiritual battle in the heaven for man’s souls. Second, the Messiah would bruise or crush the head of Satan as he is one day be cast into the lake which burns with fire. Finally, Satan would bruise the Messiah’s heel as Jesus Christ was mocked, beaten and crucified.

However, death and the grave couldn’t hold Him! He is risen!