What’s in your cup?
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then God has ordained that you
are now the temple of the Holy Spirit; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17. “Do you not know
that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If
anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple is holy,
which temple are you?”
So what is holiness? Is your cup continually being re-filled
with the Holy Spirit or is your vessel being filled with the things of the
world? Being “holy” simply means “being set apart for only God’s use”. An
example of this would be the temple service ware consisting of bowls, cups and
utensils. These cups, if you will, were only to be used in and for the service
of God in the temple by the temple priests. They were not to be used for common
use by anyone and so they are “set apart” for only God’s use.
The fact is that all of us fill our cups with all manner of
filth. While we are suppose to be “set apart” for only God’s use we tend to
give our enemy much too much room in our cups. Instead of being in a state of
holiness, we tend to defile our cups with the dirt of the world. In 1
Thessalonians 5:19-22, God commands us “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not
despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every
form of evil.”
Have you been quenching the potentially powerful work of the
Holy Spirit in your life? In Acts 2:1-4, we watch as God fills the apostles
with His Holy Spirit. In fact, they spoke in other languages that they did not
already know so that everyone present was able to hear the gospel of Jesus
Christ in their own language. The eye witnesses describe this event, “Then
there appeared to them divided tongues, of fire, and one sat upon each of
them.” Acts 2:3. So are you on fire for God or have you quenched the fire that
He put inside of you?
Let me ask you again, so what are you filling your cup with?
We make choices every minute of every day. The choices we make can either be
Godly choices or ungodly. As we pour sin into our lives, God warns us that we
can grieve The Holy Spirit living inside of us. “And do not grieve the Holy
Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” Ephesians
4:30. What you fill your cup with will have a direct influence on whether or not
you will be “set apart” for God’s use, whether or not God will act upon your
petitions or even accept your sacrifices.
Keep in mind that I am not talking about a believer’s
position or salvation regarding eternity. Jesus Christ has redeemed us by
paying our sin debt, past, present and future, when He died on a cross over
2000 years ago; nothing can change that. What I am talking about is the present
condition of the contents in our cups. God so desperately wants to help us. He
wants us to choose to fill our cups with blessing, to choose to set our cups
apart for only His use.
David wrote in the 23rd psalm “You anoint my head
with oil; My cup runs over.” Oil is symbolic of the presence of the Holy Spirit
and here we have David proclaiming that his cup was filled to overflowing by
We were all once cracked cisterns full of sin and incapable
of holding water, but now, Jesus has healed us and we are capable of being
filled with the Holy Spirit if we so desire. If we make godly choices as often
as we can, our cups are available to be re-filled with God’s goodness and
Surrendering our will to God is the first step towards
empting our cups. As we continue to yield to Him He is able to fill the new
room we have made in our hearts. Soon the Holy Spirit’s presence becomes a
strong influence on our lives that helps guide us through the muck and mire of
this world.
God only wants the very best for us. He desires our entire
heart, soul and mind. The bible states that we are more than conquers when we
are being led by Jesus Christ. The old things have passed away and we become
new creatures in Christ. Let us live in Christ to our full potential by
allowing the Holy Spirit to rule in our lives. This exciting journey can only
begin as we choose to empty our cups and be filled by His Holy Spirit.