Restoration; the process of putting something such as a
piece of art or a building back into its original condition so that it looks
cleaner and better; re-establishment, reinstatement, return, restitution. Is
there any other word in the English language that soothes as much as the
calming, cool, healing waters waiting within the vowels and constantans of this
word restoration?
When woodlands are reduced to ash in a catastrophic wild fire
it takes time for the landscape to heal. However, given enough time, water,
wind, sun and rain a dramatic change occurs as new life begins to sprout and
rise out of the ashes. When God created the first man and gave him free will to
make choices He already knew what choices he would make. Setting the tree of
knowledge of good and evil in the middle of the garden was not an accident. God
has a plan and it was always to restore what was lost when the first man and woman
chose to disobey God. While the curse might have sowed seeds of thorns and
thistles into the four winds, God’s own Son paid for our debt in full.
God had always planned to restore people back to their
original condition before sin entered the world. Even before the foundations of
the earth were formed He had a plan to send His own Son into the world to
redeem it. The cross was not a tragedy but God’s ultimate accomplishment, as
the curse of sin was broken forever. The debt was paid in full as God’s own
son’s blood became our restoration, redeeming us forever. Death would no longer
sting or be an impassable wall but rather it has become the sinner’s most
cherished, blessed of all hopes, keeping the faithful on their knees.
Grab your bibles and turn to 2 Samuel chapter 9. God
inspired the writers to leave behind a beautiful picture of restoration for us
to read and enjoy in the story of King David and Mephibosheth. Saul and his
three sons were killed by the Philistines and then brutally impaled to the city
wall at Beth Shan. Mephibosheth’s father Jonathan and David were kindred
spirits motivating David to show kindness to the house of Saul for Jonathan’s
David inquires and discovers that there is a remnant of
Saul’s house that is still alive, Jonathon’s son Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth is lame in both of his feet and
his family’s inheritance has been confiscated. Dependent upon relatives for his
daily needs David restores all of Saul’s land back to Mephibosheth and orders
that Saul’s servants work the land for him and keep it in good order.
David then invites Mephibosheth to eat at his own table for
the remainder of his life! “As for Mephibosheth, ‘said the king’, he shall eat
at my table like one of the king’s sons” David was a passionate man who loved
God and desired to show other’s the same
goodness that the Lord of Hosts has showered down on him.
This beautiful story of David seeking out Mephibosheth and
lovingly restoring his father’s inheritance is a clear picture of what God has
accomplished for us. Though we have been defeated by sin and our inheritance
given to Satan, our Creator relentlessly searches us out. We are wounded, lame and left for dead with no
hope for redemption within our own strength. We try and disappear into the social fabric
hoping no one will come looking for us when God comes along searching for that
one little lost lamb. When He finds us, He picks us up off our broken legs and
carries us on His shoulders where He sets us down at His own table, encouraging
us to eat the bread that He broke for us and drink from the cup of His might.
The Good Shepherd then restores our inheritance and invites us to dine with Him
God has chosen all of us to be partakers in His grace and
mercy by inviting us all to come to Him! By giving His One and only Son, God
created the only way by which a man can be saved. From His own lips while
hanging from a cross, Jesus said “It is finished” and immediately the sting of
death was taken away forever. Meanwhile the curtain in the temple, that separated
us from His presence, was ripped apart, torn down from the top to the bottom.
Purchased with a price, the bride of Christ now awaits and
prepares for the groom’s return. Let us not be caught off guard but eagerly
awaiting Christ’s return. We have drunk from the cup which is a binding
covenant in His blood and now are looking forward to our inheritance which is
eternal life in the presence of an awesome King!