Since I began writing Carpenter’s Corner about 15 months ago
we’ve been systematically looking at the first five books of Moses and now come
to the end. From the creation of the very first individuals, to the death of
Moses at the entrance to the Promised Land, we have weekly taken a glimpse at
God’s plan of salvation for the entire world. We discovered the gospel recorded
for the first time in the pages of Genesis 3:15. We watched as God provided for
Himself a sacrifice as Abraham readied to plunge a knife into his one and only
son Isaac. God halted his sacrifice and
provided a substitute ram that was caught in the thicket Gen 22:1-14.
We watched in disgust as Joseph was sold into slavery by his
brothers, then in amazement as God used this tragedy to save the Hebrew people
from one of the worst famines in the history of the world Gen chapters 42-47. God
prepares his servant Moses to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt and into the desert
where He provides for them over and over again throughout the books of Exodus
and Numbers. Then as the walls of water from the Yam Suf are piled up the
fledgling nation of Israel are guided safely through the sea to the waiting
desert on the other side where over 1.5 million men women and children are
cared for by the Lord for over 40 years.
We climbed up the top of the mountain with Moses as God
gives the world The Ten Commandments and discover that it would take more than
the blood of bulls and goats to take away our sin. Again in Leviticus chapter
16 and 17 we ponder a “word picture” describing
our future salvation through the
scapegoat who is led and released unharmed out into the wilderness while the
other goat is killed for our sin debt. We also learned that the blood of
animals would only cover (atone) our sin and that this ritual would have to be
repeated over and over again each year…that is until Jesus showed up.
Now as we reach the very edge of the desert we see an
elderly Moses looking into The Promise Land before he passes on to be with the
Lord. And in God’s perfect timing and purpose we discover that “The Law” that
was given to Moses on top of the mountain would not be able to take us into The
Promised Land. It would take a more perfect and precious sacrifice to take away
our sins and allow us entrance into the presence of God almighty.
So it is not by chance, but design that Joshua is the one
chosen by God to lead the nation into a land flowing with milk and honey. Even the
very name of the book “Joshua” means “Yahweh is Salvation” and is the Hebrew
form of Jesus in the New Testament. God used the law as a schoolmaster to teach
us that we need to receive His One and Only Son as the way or provision to
reach Him.
Let’s take one final stop before leaving Deuteronomy and
look at a very interesting provision God commanded in Deuteronomy chapter 25,
the role and duty of the Goel or kinsman redeemer in a Levirate marriage. When
a woman’s husband died and she had no son to carry on the family name the
brother or nearest relative had the obligation of marring her and providing a
son. The living brother was the dead brother’s Goel or redeemer. He was also
the avenger of blood who had the obligation to take revenge on another family
should the need arise. The kinsman redeemer was also responsible to redeem the
estate that a nearest relative might have sold to escape poverty. This selfless
act would insure that the asset remain in the family.
What’s so interesting about this provision is that it comes
at a point when the Israelites are standing on the edge of the Promised Land
but can’t enter in until Joshua leads them. In much the same way, Jesus Christ
is our Goel, our redeemer and it’s only through Him that we enter into the
Promised Land. That is why the church is referred to as the bride of Christ.
Jesus is our kinsman redeemer; He alone avenges our blood and redeems all that
is lost through the curse of sin. In chapter 5 of Revelation we see a future
scene in heaven where Jesus, the Lamb who was slain, is the only One who can
receive the scroll, read or even look at it. We watch as Jesus becomes our
kinsman redeemer and takes the title-deed or ownership of planet earth! So
imbedded in the Name of Jesus Christ is a great truth that “Yahweh is Salvation”