
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Strike the rock

Time passes as the children of Israel continue their desert wanderings. Nothing seems to be changing as their discontent continues to fill the ears of Moses, Aaron and more importantly God Himself. Their mantra went something like this “All we have is this manna to eat, no meat and there is no water for us and our livestock to drink. Why did you lead us out into the wilderness to die? We would have been better off if were still slaves back in Egypt.”

In Numbers 20:7 we read “Then The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Take the rod; you and your brother Aaron gather the congregation together. Speak to the rock before their eyes, and it will yield its water; thus you shall bring water for them out of the rock, and give drink to the congregation and their animals.’ So Moses took the rod from before the Lord as He commanded him.” So far everything is going as per plan, Moses takes the rod, they gather the people together and now all that is left to do is to speak to the rock.
“And Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock; and he said to them, ‘Hear now, you rebels! Must we bring water for you out of this rock?’ Then Moses lifted his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod; and water came out abundantly, and the congregation and their animals drank.” Numbers 20:7-11
I love Moses. He really was just an ordinary guy, submitted to God for sure but really just a humble, ordinary kind of guy. What happens next to Moses is what happens to all of us at one time or another in our lives, we disobey God. God says something like, “Dean, walk to the right” so after hearing God speak I turn and run to the left. He is always so patient with us, longsuffering through all of our self inflicted drama and detours. However, at this point in Moses life, as he leads a great gathering of God’s people, he has to be punished for his blatant disobedience.
One of the things I enjoy about studying the Old Testament is discovering places where God inspires the writers to pen analogies about Jesus Christ into the Old Covenant. Here we have disobedient, wretched and sinful people wandering around in the desert complaining while they wait to enter the Promised Land. What a beautiful picture of our own lives where we wander around here on earth waiting to enter eternity with God. The key to this analogy is to think of the rock as a symbol for our Lord Jesus Christ, Messiah and Savior.
The rock was given to them to provide water by God Himself. The first recorded incident of this can be found back in Exodus 17:5-7 where God told Moses to strike the rock and water would pour out for the congregation. This is a symbolic picture of how Jesus would be wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. The King of all glory would be mocked, beaten and finally put to death on a cross by men who were created by His own hands! The water that pours out and flows from the rock represents God’s refreshing provision for eternal life through Christ that He freely gives to all of us.
The congregation once again returns to Meribah and are both tired and thirsty. God understands that the people have a legitimate need for water and wants to provide for them. He instructs Moses to simply speak to the rock and the living waters of life would flow out for them. However, In one brief moment, Moses carelessly disobeys God’s instruction to speak to the rock as he lifts up his hand and strikes the rock twice.
After forty years of utter misery, wandering around in a dry, hot desert environment, listening to two million people complain, Moses is not allowed to realize his dream to enter into the Promised Land. Today, many people insist that they need to continue to strike the rock to earn their salvation when God Himself has told us “Just speak to the Rock”.  Too many of us still believe we have “to do something” to earn our salvation when Jesus Christ Himself said “It is finished!” as He hung dying on the cross. You can’t add to what God has already provided for you. You see, God wanted to freely give the people water as they thirst out in the desert and He wants to give you His free gift of salvation and just asks that you simply “speak to the Rock”. The Rock of our salvation is Jesus Christ, the living water flows from Him and all who drink from that well will never thirst again!

Monday, April 22, 2013


As the nation of Israel wandered aimlessly around in the desert for 40 years a very distinct pattern developed. First, the congregation would begin to murmur and complain about their situation and then they rebelled against the leadership of Moses and Aaron.  As the rebellion gains some momentum, Korah and the sons of Levi rose up against God’s ordained leaders and demanded that they be allowed to perform the daily tasks in the tabernacle that God appointed only to Aaron and his sons.
“They gathered together against Moses and Aaron, and said to them, “You take too much upon yourselves, for all the congregation is holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them. Why then do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the Lord?” 
God’s anger is kindled against the entire congregation and He warns Moses to separate himself from what is going to take place. Suddenly the ground splits apart, swallows Korah and his entire family including the women and children.  Once all the people are engulfed in earth then the split closes without a trace. As this horrific scene comes to an end the remaining sons of Levi panic, flee the scene literally running for their lives as God’s anger is kindled against them “And a fire came out from the Lord and consumed the two hundred and fifty men who were offering incense.” Numbers 16:35
Grumbling, complaining, malice, bad reports, gossip and jealousy are very corrosive to our social framework and couldn’t be tolerated or allowed to flourish among the newly born nation of Israel. Their destruction has long lasting effects, leaving behind a wake of thrashed relationships, character assassinations and ugly bitterness. Once sown, these seeds of darkness germinate and grow into twisted, tangled vines that will choke out all love, joy and peace from your life.
What can we glean from the Israelites actions and what did Jesus teach us in the New Testament? In 2 Corinthians 5:17 Paul writes “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”  When back in the desert with Moses the people looked to the tabernacle as the center of God in their lives. They watched in awe as God’s pillar of cloud and fire guide them both day and night. Today, as believers in Christ, we are still guided by God. The only difference is that now we are indwelt with God’s Holy Spirit and actually become the tabernacle of God. Now from within our temple (our bodies) we can draw upon His unlimited power and resources.
In the letter to the Ephesians 4:25-32  Paul instructs the Greek believers in Turkey not to lie, bear false witness but to speak only truth to their neighbors for we are members of one true gathering. This single point if taken to heart would stop so much drama playing out on  stages in our places of worship today.
If you are angry and have something against another person then go to that brother or sister and work it out. Don’t let the sun do down before the situation is resolved, in other words don’t let the seeds of bitterness germinate, grow and choke out the flowers and fruit that should be evident in a believers life. Don’t worry so much about unimportant issues that come up in our day to day lives. Don’t take what is not yours; instead work hard with your hands being content with what God has given to you.
 Ephesians 4:29-32 “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”
There are several sermons nested in this incredible passage but my favorite part is the sealing by the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption. We were never meant to be walled off from one another by denominational walls of separation. Let us begin to tear down those walls of separation and begin to love one another content to “agree to disagree” on non essential issues. Let us begin to build each other up in Christ so that the world will see our love and want to be part of our fellowship! Jesus Christ is the beginning and the end and He loves each and every person ever born on the earth equally. Let us begin now to join hands reaching out to other denominations and become “One” as our Lord wanted in the first place.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Good Report!

Last Sunday I grabbed Leaf and drove up to Lake Elsinore to spy out a brand new church plant called New Creation. The church has just been born and meets in the Diamond Room at Storm Stadium at 9:00 am. So I reluctantly got up at 6:00 am piled into my work truck and started my pilgrimage up to the Promised Land. After a long drive we arrived very early so we helped the fledgling body of believers set up. There were chairs and table to move around and other general set up chores that needed to be completed before hundreds of God’s flock gathered together. God has given Pastor Joe a vision for reaching the lost in the community of Lake Elsinore with good solid encouraging grace teaching. God is guiding him to reach out to the hurting and bring them healing through Jesus Christ!

 People started arriving early in anticipation of worshipping our great God.  The Pastor, Joe Sabolick, has written many songs that have literally been sung around the world in churches every Sunday. You have sung many of his songs in your own church without being aware of the author. Joe has a heart for the lost and now God has anointed Pastor Joe to plant, nurture and shepherd the good people of Lake Elsinore. The physical location of the new church is Lake Elsinore’s Storm Stadium. The building is a stone’s throw away from the south end of Lake Elsinore providing a perfect spot for baptisms. The stadium also has the potential to seat enough people for evangelical outreaches which Joe says are going to happen within the next year and a half.  He asked me to invite the community to come and visit some Sunday as the church begins to stretch out its wings and grow! 

In the book of Numbers chapter 12, at first glance it looks like it was God’s idea to send the spies to observe the occupied Promised Land that He had promised to Father Abraham. But upon closer examination of the scriptures combined with knowledge of God’s promises to us we discover it was Israel’s idea to spy out the land and not God’s. In Deuteronomy chapter 1 Moses repeats this fact several times “See, I have set the land before you; go in and possess the land which the Lord swore to your fathers- Abraham, Isaac and Jacob- to give to them and their descendants after them.”

So why then did they send in the spies to gather Intel? Well, it’s what we always tend to do in our own lives, doubt in God’s promises but more importantly His power, might and majesty.  We worship an awesome, holy God who loves us and wants us to prosper! In 2 Chronicles 16:9 God says “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”  Also in the book of Joshua “ Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go"

But, like the Israelites we all too often choose to doubt in God’s power and authority and try to move our mountains with our own assets, power and strength. Usually its just because we let doubt and fear control us and forget that God has promised to deliver us from all evil.  There are many great scriptures to memorize but it is paramount to remember the promises of God as mountains begin to rise up in our path blocking our view of the Promised Land. God has given us all power and authority through the power of His Son Jesus. We need not only prepare for battle but actually pick up our weapons and begin to fight. He will deliver us just like David when he stood before the giant Goliath. While the entire Israelite army cowered in their boots, this ruddy little 17 year old young man stood up to the giant and asked why is this uncircumcised Philistine  taunting the army of the Living God?   

Are there mountains in your life? Speak to them in the power of the living God and demand that they leave you alone and get out of your way because you are a child of the most High God and they have no power over you. Jesus spoke to the fig tree and He encouraged all of us to take ownership through the unlimited power and authority through His blood. God loves all of us so much and He wants only the very best for us all! Remember the promises of God because the best is yet to come. Pick up your weapons and begin fighting while you still have breath!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The New Wine is beginning to flow!

Listen to Pastor Joe as He explains how God is beggining to pour out His Spirit at the Lake Elsinore "Storm Stadium"


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Surrender to God

Humble pie, have you ever been treated to a nice healthy slice before? The Lord knows He’s treated me to more than my fair share. I can be so blatantly prideful at times it is really quite sickening. Why it’s a miracle I don’t try to part the Pacific Ocean with my staff more often when standing on the sea shore. In my youth I use to enjoy singing and playing guitar while leading worship at a local church. I strived to praise God in this way and quickly found out what a “pride battleground” the worship arena can be. An arena filled with gladiators competing for their spot up on stage under the lights. Part of our sin nature seems to be that we desire to steal God’s glory every chance we get as we perform in our own power and strength.  

In the book of Numbers chapter 12 we watch as Miriam and Aaron both speak out against their brother Moses and challenge his authority. In verse 2 it says “So they said, ‘Has the Lord indeed spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us also?’ And the Lord heard it (Now the man Moses was very humble, more than all men who were on the face of the earth.)” 

Humility is a great quality to have. I’ve had the opportunity in my life to meet a handful of what the world considers to be famous people. Chuck Norris, Joel Osteen and Fred Benedetti are men who are extremely gifted and at the top of their game. What’s interesting is that they are some of the most humble people I’ve ever met in my life. Chuck Norris, while at a restaurant near a shoot for Walker Texas Ranger was approached by a man who demanded to sit in the booth that Chuck was sitting in. Humbly, Chuck gets up and moves to another booth where the rest of his cast eventually joins him. The man recognizes Chuck and apologizes for his behavior. 

A vast majority of Christians out in the world today act just like the man demanding the booth from Chuck Norris, instead of being servants modeling humility like Jesus Christ, we become too dogmatic about meaningless facts and figures demanding people magically display traits we feel a Christian should personify. However, what we really need to do is humble ourselves and show people they are important to God by loving them just as they are. We need to  rescue  people as they stand in the muck and the mire, throwing them a rope or better yet a life preserver. 

Moses gives us a great example of humility while as God begins to judge Miriam and Aaron he intercedes and cries out to Him to renege on pouring out His wrath on his brother and sister. Acts of random kindness are a great way to show both humility and love for people who don’t yet believe in God. If we take the time and money to help someone or send relief to one in need then we display the love of Christ. It takes practice and we won’t automatically get it right the first time but with a little persistence we will begin to practice humility. 

“Do not be deceived. God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that will he also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in do season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of God.” Galatians 6:7-10  

God gave the prophets dreams and visions but He spoke to Moses face to face. When God anoints someone for ministry and raises them into a position of authority we need to respect, support and help them in building up the body of Christ. The other side of the coin would be if  a leader is not displaying humility, love and consistently putting others first then  run as fast as you can to another pasture and find another shepherd who is submitting to God! 

Jesus modeled humility for us and it is what we need as we come together united in fellowship with God. Without the love of our Good Shepherd we would all still be out wandering lost in the world’s pastures with no hope of redemption. While on the earth, Jesus humbly walked the Holy Land searching for one little lost lamb He could rescue from the muck and mire that fills the dank pastures of this fallen world.  People, let us love one another!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New Life

Twas the morning of Easter and all through the land, Christians arrived early to remember the Son rise! Hymnals were hung behind each bench or chair in hopes that baby Christians would soon be there. The pastor put on his best face for them all because he knew that Easter was the one day when visitors would call. He sent out the greeters and workers alike to stand at each doorway to smile in delight. In droves they came to hear the good news that Jesus is risen and that God loves them too! Death could not hold Him and the stone rolled away to leave a stark empty tomb on display. So try and try, try as you may but you can’t earn forgiveness because Jesus gives it away. God loves us so much He sent His own Son to pay our debt in full  then sent us  out each and everyone. To tell the whole world the truth and good news that Jesus has risen and we can come too!

When I was young, my parents only wandered into church two days a year on Christmas and Easter. My religious exposure during the turbulent 1960’s was sparse at best until, however through my mother’s prayers, I was invited to Scott Memorial East in El Cajon California. Now, we all have a moment in our lives when we find ourselves face to face with God and for the first time we see how filthy our lives really are. So amidst all the drugs, sex and rock in roll in my life it was clear that my mother’s prayers had been answered as God began drawing me to His Son. It’s interesting to me how such a great God went to such great lengths to save a ruthless sinner like me. He hears our prayers and petitions  then skillfully sets circumstances in motion to get our attention through regular people who just happen to pop into our lives at the right time; divine appointments or as I like to call them or the Choreography of God!
Maybe over this past week many of you found yourself turning into a church parking lot for the first time for a Good Friday service where, while seated at the foot of the cross, you looked up into the eyes of your Savior. Some envision Christ as a weak, dying and defeated 32 year old man who struggled for His last few breaths of life. They look at the death of Christ as a cruel, hopeless defeat but the death of Jesus Christ would turn out to be the greatest victory ever recorded in our universe or any universe for that matter. His death is now history and although He could have called on legions of angels to His defense He submitted to Roman authority and willingly allowed Himself to be slain.
That particular week was a high Sabbath, which means Wednesday was also a Sabbath. He probably was killed on Thursday, put in the grave on Thursday and on Sunday rose from death. Our hope, our joy rests in the fact that Jesus of Nazareth came back to life as He said He would. In His death our sins were taken away, as far as the east is from the west, but in His resurrected life we have hope for a glorious future in eternity.
That is why we sing to Him. That is why we praise Him. That is why we love other people because He first loved us while we were yet sinners. Jesus said that the truth would set us free and if you search after truth and a relationship with Jesus then you will find this to be true.  
A good man will lay down his life for a friend. A great man will lay down his life for a stranger. But Jesus died for us while we were still sinners or enemies of God. Not too many of us would lay down our lives for someone who just murdered a member of our family or for a thief who just stole an elderly woman’s social security check for a quick fix.
 Maybe your ears finally opened and you heard that the grave could not hold Him.  There is no tomb in Israel where you would ever find His bones because Jesus lives on not just in spirit, but in flesh and bone. He was seen by Mary, all the disciples and then by more than 5000 people.  In the end, all but one of His closest disciples went willingly to a martyr’s death and would not recant that Jesus was their Lord and Master.  Out of all the religions of the world, Christianity is the only religion where salvation is a free gift that you don’t have to work for.