
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sermons From The Cave

"Sermons From The Cave" is a new YouTube.com channel, which can be found at this address....

The cave is a place where you can daily watch and listen to short 8 to 12 min bible teachings that will get you into God's word. The cave was an idea conceived out of prayer for a new world wide Internet bible teaching ministry. The YouTube channel provides the platform for people of all nations to watch and learn about the true and living God. The cave, high up in the mountains,  provides a setting where you can focus on what God is instructing His church to be doing.

Our cave team is committed to bringing you only the whole truth of what God has already revealed to a lost world. We are not affiliated to any one Christian denomination but rather prefer a label of "Followers of Christ" or "Little Christs".  We believe in God's word to be truthful, inerrant and complete down to the last yot and tittle. We believe all the books of the canonized bible to be inspired by God ( 2 Timothy 3:16,17). Part of our ministry is to teach you just how perfectly all the individual books piece together to make up the whole story. Simply put the bible is  a love letter to His creation, you and me.

Located high atop a mountain, the cave provides our team with a place to frame the simplicity of God's message. The cave has no stage, lights or modern technology other than the small video camera my producer uses to capture the 8 to 12 minute segments. Lief, my producer, is one of those high tech people who you call when your computer decides to rebel like Korah did before the entire congregation of Israel (Exodus 16). If I was Moses then I could see Lief filling the shoes of Aaron or Hur where they held up Moses' hands during a battle with the Amalekites thus working together to accomplish God's work.

Today in the United States our lives have become too busy. We fill every second of our day with so many things that tend to take the place of God. We don't look at this as idol worship but it is. The cave provides a natural setting where God can speak to our heart. These short 8 to 12 minute teachings will refresh you and feed you on God's word. Its a great way to witness to unsaved friends in your workplace or even in your own family. The cave is a place you can go to get alone with God, where He alone can speak to your heart from the privacy of your own laptop or I-Phone.

We want to welcome you all to take a visit to "The Cave" and sit, watch and listen for that still, quiet voice of God. A voice that wants to tell you He loves you. A voice that wants to tell you He cares. A voice that is longing to be let into your world and fellowship with you. Come and explore the cave with us and see what God has to say to you!

Here are the GPS corrodinates for the location of the cave....

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Gathered Together

I love that line from the song where it goes..."Better is one day in Your court, then a thousand elsewhere". In these difficult times we all need to stand together, arms stretched out to catch a falling brother or sister. There is too much fighting going on  in the Christian realm right now about so many things that don't really matter. Its our pride that compels us to want to be right.

I have personally seen what pride can do. Over the years and in different churches I have seen the true motives of a man's heart. And they are wicked beyond our understanding Jeremiah 17:7-13. I recently witnessed a situation at a local church where a group of people couldn't settle into the "kingdom way" of doing church but wanted to rule and reign God's church the way they wanted to despite what the pastor felt was best. Some people love the spotlight and seek attention on the center stage. The spotlight is reserved for Jesus and only Jesus is worthy of our praise and worship. Run from pride all you people. Run for your life. Theology 101 in a nutshell..."Nothing but the blood of Jesus" and always put others needs and concerns before your own.

This world is beginning its final meltdown kind of like what we saw in Japan last year. Where the powers that be will try and prop up the world economy through market manipulation. It will not work and it is going to get worse and implode on itself  like a nuclear core meltdown. Jesus said it would happen and it will. I believe Jesus do you?

If you read your bible try reading through Matthew chapters 5,6 and 7. Here Jesus is teaching on a rise in the landscape to be able to get His voice out to the multitudes that were following Him. The purpose of this sermon from the mount was to get all the people thinking. Remember He had been walking from city to city through all the villages in between healing all who asked and casting out demons.So everyone wanted to get in on all the signs and wonder.

When you read these chapters keep in mind that since Jesus is the one talking, He is still alive and well. What I'm getting at is that the Lamb of God had not yet been slain and these people listening to Him were still under the law and the old sacrificial system. Jesus was teaching them rather proving to them that they cant keep the law. Which means we cant save ourselves we need a savior. Emmanuel. Its kinda sad how many Christians are continuing to strive for perfection through the law.

Our Lord ended that particular sermon with a story about two men who built two different kinds of houses. One built his house on a foundation of sand. Sand  when it gets wet does compact but it has no sure foundation to anchor a house to. This is really a picture of the old sacrificial system where endless sacrifices would never heal our wounds or take away our sin. The sand which could be considered animal blood in this analogy would merely wash over or cover over our sin and transgressions for one calendar year.

Jesus was setting the stage for what he was about to accomplish. Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! These words spoken by John,  should continue to ring true in our ears. So you see the man who built his house on the rock was able to withstand the storms of life. Even though the rain and the wind pounded and pounded he survived because he was being held onto by God Himself. The law was never meant to save us only Jesus can do that. The law was never meant to hold onto us only Jesus can do that! God is salvation lit. Jeshua. Is the picture getting any clearer?

Jesus once said "Oh how many times I have wanted to gather you together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wing...but you were not ready." paraphrased. People get ready cause there is a kingdom coming that you want to be a part of. You cant earn it or buy it or even live in a way that secures your place in it. You must call upon the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ to be saved. Love one another.

Shalom Mishpokah!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

So you want to write a book

I'm such a sap and gullible to the gills. My tent making business has been very slow this last two years because most tents are being made overseas in Asia. Actually, my business is really residential home remodeling and if the current corporate business world could find a way to provide residential remodeling from Asia they would build it there and ship it here for Wall Mart to distribute. So why I'm I such a sap?

Since my business was slow I figured I would write a children's book. I love to write prose and it seemed like a very attainable goal. So off I went with pen, paper in hand and within a year "Clyde The Donkey" was ready for the book publishers around the world to bid on or so I thought. First off I think everyone on the planet knows someone who has written a children's book. Now then if this fierce competition wasn't enough to scare me off...the reality to hire a book agent definitely did.

My next idea was to take a day to visit my local bookstore and search children's books for actual publishers. As I was turning the pages and writing down the information my list was starting to grow. Next came a quick cup of coffee at Starbucks followed up with free Wi-Fi and a couple of hours of non stop emailing book publishers. This was a complete waste of time.

Oh, how I dread to admit when I am wrong and so does my wife otherwise she would have to admit she made a mistake in marrying me. The story line of my book really wasn't half bad but it was still going to take a miracle to get someone to take an honest look at it. Soon the almost inevitable advice started pouring in from all the other armchair quarterback writers who had faced off on the gridiron of literature before me. Yes, my writing peers who also had never published a book but acted like they knew something I didn't, simply what was the best way to get published.  I don't get it, why do people think they are helping and encouraging you by hacking away at you (watch out for your  fingers.)

Well at least I haven't got writers block yet. Oh yea, the advice I received from my peers was that I need to join a literary guild and hone my skills. Now OK that sounds like good advice on the surface but lets think this through together. Your trying to publish a book. There's too many other writers out there so you join a writers guild with a whole bunch of other writers who are also trying to publish a book. Once you are all in this new found fellowship you begin to read each others books that will probably never get published. So now you are helping add even  more authors to an already incredibly large ocean of literary work.

Somebody stop me! By the way my book is published right here on my "New Wine" blog site under January 2012 titled "Clyde The Donkey".  Please enjoy reading it for free just don't leave a comment. So now even if it was a great book, one that  that Dr Seuss would be drooling over, now all my potential customers can just read it for free. Other advice I received was that Dr Seuss went to 49 different publishers before someone took an interest. By the way Dr. Seuss would have been 108 on March 2nd 2012 if he was still in the land of the living. Thomas Edison, I have been told, made 500 attempts at making a light bulb before getting one to light up...but I don't think I have that much time on my hands.

What is an unemployed blogger to do? I heard tell that even JK Rollings of the Harry Potter book fame  went years trying to get someone to read her new book series. Oh, how I wish I could have been the knuckle headed publisher who finally said to her..."Well, Miss Rollings, I'm not going to promise you anything."  Even Tim LaHaye has enjoyed an incredible ride in top selling book circles. What authors need is a name cause I'm betting its pretty easy to find a ghost writer or co-author out here in the unemployed, cyber blog realm.

If you know someone who might be interested in helping me publish another children's book could you please forward the story to them? Help a starving, recovering Calvary Chapel pastor to get his book published? Then I can start feeding my family once again.