
If you have stumbled here by accident let me first insist that there really are no accidents in life. If however, you came on your own free will then please by all means open your hearts and your minds to the "New Wine" that God has prepared for you!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Losing Faith

Have you ever lost faith in someone or something? For instance our government, the stock market, Ginsu knives, Fry's rebates, friends, San Diego City pension plan, military intelligence or possibly the so-called Christian church?

Now, I can talk a pretty good talk and be really convincing in conversation but what do my actions show? For illustration purposes suppose I were a car. If I were a car would I leave any oil  on the pavement after leaving my parking space? Do I leave rubber on the road or footprints in the sand where ever  I travel? Do I make any kind of an impact on the world in which I live? Do I leave  any evidence behind? Maybe a skid mark pointing to the fact that I was going too fast or distracted by another driver. Is there enough evidence  to convict me of the fact that I am alive, breathing and part of a community of believers?

I have to admit in my own life I have lost faith in many things during the last couple of years.The list is really getting quite long so its hard to find a starting point. But let us begin by examining  my faith in God.What if my spiritual faith is like a  storage battery? If my faith is like a Sears Die Hard car battery then I can expect after about five years of service I will probably find myself stranded somewhere desperately looking for a good Samaritan to "jump" my car. And usually car batteries pick the perfect time to fail. Late at night, a strange part of town or right before I have a very important appointment that I am already late for. They never choose to give up the ghost while parked in front of O Riley's, Pep Boys or Manny , Moe and Jack's.

So what I do know is faith is believing or putting my trust in something unseen. Like knowing that the chair by my dining room table will support my weight and so I trust to sit down on it without a second thought of it not supporting my big butt. I might have to change  the last sentence after this Thursday which turns out to be Thanksgiving.

So spiritual faith is believing in a higher power other than myself. Trusting that God, the ultimate Designer and Creator of all I see around me, will support my weight. But right now my faith feels more like that drained Sears car battery. My headlights are dimming and the crank just does not want to turn over. So is it time to get out of the car and push? The apostle Paul would be saying in a very loud voice "May it never be!".

No, I need to stay in the car and remember that faith is not like a battery that needs to be recharged! Rather its a force from God that continually flows through the ether of space. And because He always surrounds me, allows the Holy Spirit to live inside me, seals my spirit,  I have nothing to fear as I walk through the low, discharged valleys of life. Even if I am facing my own passing from this world  to the next.I can sit on that chair in faith knowing that it will hold me up.He will hold me up and be there to meet me on the other side.

This is when life starts to get interesting. When I start to live each day trusting, when I lose the fear factor, scales start falling from my eyes and heart, I begin to see the world  in a new light. Our God is an awesome God and He reigns from heaven above. He is the ultimate father figure and crack shot life choreographer.

Although today, we are engaged in a spiritual battle. Our enemies can take many forms even human form. The metal weapons of this world don't work against our hideous, blood thirsty enemies that exist in their invisible dimension. Fear and despair are two of their mightiest weapons. These weapons, once released on us, can drain our energies and the life right out of us. Now we can find ourselves doing things we normally would not do.

Friends, read the gospel of John, chapter 14. Its a very comforting chapter about a loving Father and Son who had a plan to redeem all the world from sin and death. It talks of a future home, actually a mansion where we all will thrive. That is all who chose the narrow gate which Jesus said was Himself. "I am the way, the truth and the life no man can come to the Father but by me"

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Stop continually jumping your spiritual car batteries and start a life characterized by walking with the Holy Spirit moment by moment.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Street Angels

As a Christian I tend to do too much talking. I am quick to tell you what the bible teaches but slow to put it into practice in my own life. I also find myself judging everyone but my own hideous actions. I am very prideful and that is why I need the grace that Jesus Christ offers me.

What does it profit, friends, if I say I have faith in God, a model Christian but I don't put any effort into helping people in need? Oh yes, I say I will pray for you but will I feed you, clothe you or shelter you?

Is my faith real? If I really love Jesus Christ, make Him Master, shouldn't my life actions reflect His love towards others?

So if a brother or sister is living on the street in dirty clothes, hungry, cold and I say to them I'll pray for you and yet I do not lend them a helping hand, where is the love of Christ in that? I must admit here and now that I am guilty.

The irony of this situation is that here God has pre-arranged divine meetings with people in need  but I fail to perform. Not wanting to take the time or spend the money all I end up saying  is... "Be warm and be filled, peace be with you!"

Where are all the street angels in this world? We have so much. How can we continue to satisfy ourselves while people around us go without? Look in the mirror the image you see is the person God wants to use to be a street angel. God will use you if you let Him.

So ask yourself these questions...

Do I really love Jesus Christ?  Do my actions confirm this? When was the last time I helped someone who was in need ?  As the season of giving is soon to be upon us lets begin to put others first and love them the way Jesus would!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Prayer Of Two Generals

I was thinking about prayer today. What are the mechanics and how does the process actually work? What are the secret ingredients of a healthy prayer? How does God hear and process all the prayers throughout  the world that rise continually to His throne room? Are there things I should not pray for? What happens when people pray for each other but for different outcomes? Which prayer does God choose to answer, which side does God lean towards? Does God's decision violate our "free will?

Back in the 1980's there was this movie, made for television,  about two generals from the Civil War, one from the Southern army and one from the Northern army., These two generals while both fighting against each other were praying to the same God for their own victory against the other side. To complicate things and really muck up the water, there were also black slaves who at the same time period were crying out to God for deliverance. This would not be a job that I would want to sort out or try and tackle. Does It seem like  God always choose the under dog?

There have been times in my life where I have  prayed for something and had my prayer answered immediately. Like in the movie "The Matrix"  where Neo's computer screen mysteriously types " Neo, answer the phone" and  the phone in his room  begins to ring. On the other hand I am still waiting for other prayers to be answered. At least there are only three replies for God to choose from. Its sorta like the food menu at the local In and Out Burger where you can choose from a cheeseburger, fries and a shake. These three replies God has available to tag your prayer consist of a tag that says "yes" another "no" and the last tag reads "not now or  wait".

Its really hard to wait for God to answer us. In the movie "The Princess Bride"  Inigo Montoya is left standing at the top of the cliffs of insanity, sword in hand, waiting for the dreaded pirate Roberts to summit so that he can finish him off. But  Inigo like most of us hate waiting. We demand instant gratification. Want an example? Just look at the cell phone in your hand its becoming a one stop do it all in a phone thing. We have given up on talking to one another verbally but demanding instant gratification we send each other  text messages at any time, any where with lighting speed. "I hate waiting" delivered with a thick Spanish accent and I'm betting so do you!

So what are the secret ingredients to prayer? Well, for starters we must pray according to God's will. Knowing what the will of God is requires reading and studying your bible. This is a life long commitment where the Holy Spirit is our personal helper. He comes along side us to lead us, pick us up when we stumble and fall. I like how the late song writer Rich Mullins put it in the lyrics to one of his songs.
"If I stand let me stand on the promise that You will pull me through. If I fall let me fall on the grace that first brought me to You!"

Jesus told us to always put the needs of others before our own. If we apply this principle to our prayer life an amazing transformation and renewing process begins to reshape the way we look at our own wants and desires. Most always when we earnestly pray for others, especially our enemies, we are praying in direct alignment with God's will. These prayers are very effective and usually get answered quickly.. Practicing self-less-ness   is what Jesus is all about. That is why when things are hard its probably because we are striving against God and are trying to operate in the flesh. If our ministry becomes a burden then it is time to step down for a season. Carnal Christians are really an oxymoron resembling flesh eating bacteria. In contrast when we yield to the Spirit it allows God to use us by filling us and directing us. He is quite a Devine choreographer.

Beginning prayer with thanksgiving is paramount. We need to thank God daily for taking care of us. It gets our thoughts off of our own needs and focused onto Him.  He is so very worthy of our praise. He holds all things together every atom and molecule is literally held together by God. Once we give our praise and worship to God we are free to humbly talk to our heavenly Father about anything. He cares for you deeply. And because He cares for you He allows trails in our lives that will ultimately strengthen us, temper us make us better people, actually turning us into the image of His Son Jesus.

The reason that churches have splits, disputes and division is because we are carnal and operating in the flesh. We are selfish wanting our way and not concerned about the needs of others around us. This is not what Jesus taught. If there are personality conflicts in your church your pastor needs to discipline the people involved. Sometimes this means removing them from their ministries that they cling to the way a super magnet sticks to steel. If a leader uses the word "I" allot that is a clue to the intentions of their heart. The sign of a true leader is one who becomes the servant of all. Jesus Christ was God himself, creator who humbled Himself to be clothed in flesh, hang on a tree for the sins of all. God was willing to become your servant and die for you. Jesus was a servant of all. Our Shepard King.
A perfect example for us to follow.

Monday, November 7, 2011


So I'm sitting at my computer in my living room this morning as I do most every morning contemplating my future. Work, employment has all but vanished, evaporated into thin air. As a building contractor I am use to  "feast or famine" but this is a very low tide I find myself wading through. I stop to rub my eyes, yawn and in doing so I glance down at my feet . There curled up in a tight, warm ball, snuggled securely, literally at my feet is my year old terrier-mix puppy I named  Jasmine.

I am so glad God created dogs! Amazed and so thrilled with their unique, complete companionship. Pets and specifically dogs are our trustworthy, faithful and loving friends. One unmistakable design aspect is how God designed dogs to be so loyal. They really are just  canine family members and our new adopted sons and daughters. They so patiently wait for any attention that they can get from us. They long for their master's hand to appear and slowly but deliberately approach them to offer some long awaited and deserved attention.

Another design aspect I have observed is how God  provides companionship to all sorts of elderly and even disabled people who without the comfort of their pet would probably not thrive. Sometimes pets are all we have in this world and without their constant and continued friendship we would be utterly lost. I was reminded of late as the so called friends in my life continue to let me down and disappoint me that God has provided my dog as a reminder to me that He still cares for and loves me. Pets are living memorial stones.

Proverbs 3:5,6 tells us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight." This is one incredible promise of God. But while He cant force our friends to be loyal and to love us, He was able to design dogs in a way that after providing them with just a little food and water, they eagerly await the opportunity to jump into our laps. If only our friends could be so loving?

As for me and my future? My work will pick up, new friends and opportunities will appear and  life will continue to go on. So as the sun rises on a new day and as I glance down once again from my chair towards the floor there coiled up at my feet is my faithful, loyal dog Jasmine!  Dogs are so faithful. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Mega Church

The day of Pentecost marked the beginning of "The Church Age". It was the beginning of the church of Christ universal. On that very first day in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit, drew over three thousand people to come believe in Jesus Christ; Acts 2:40. Since the very beginning of  "The Church" God has been adding to its number on an daily-hourly basis. All those who receive the truth that Jesus died, he was buried and  He came back to life were added to this growing number of souls.

Listen to the words of Revelation 19:6-8: "And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thundering, saying "Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready." And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints."

What a glorious day that will be! It will however be a "Mega Church". So all of us who have been bashing the mega churches better get use to the idea!. Do you realize this is going to be an extremely large gathering of saints? All the saints from the very beginning of the church for the past two thousand plus years will be there on that day. What a feast that will be. In fact this is the day that Jesus spoke of on the night of the "Last Supper". When He took the cup, full of  fermented wine, took a drink and said "This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you."  Luke 22:17-20.

But we are not there yet so as Christians here on earth we can get really prideful filling ourselves with self righteousness. I heard somewhere of a couple  who had objected to a guest speaker  mentioning the name of Joel Osteen during his sermon. This couple who after hearing  the name of Joel Osteen from the church's pulpit figured it was an endorsement of the popular Texas Pastor. The young pair,I was told,  had a full blown Fukushima melt down. The wife practically threw herself to the ground, fists pounding away, demonstrating a child-like tantrum. They insisted that the guest speaker be reprimanded by the senior pastor. Now ask yourself  "What is wrong with this picture?". As Christians we can choose to  fill our cups with the fruit of the Spirit or the deeds of the flesh. Many of us fill our cups with self righteousness instead of humility. We wield our swords of correctness like  candy, toy Harry Potter wands purchased at the corner  drug store. As mature Christians we should be able to agree to disagree on most issues. The gospel being the exception and doctrine we cant budge on.

Another area of concern is in the arena of our own ministries. For many this becomes our hallowed ground.  Don't tread on me. I also heard somewhere of  a worship leader who felt like the stage where they perform is their own sanctified holy ground ordained by God Himself. This leader actually enforced that by asking  people and especially children who wandered carelessly up onto the stage to "Get Off!".  I started off as a worship leader and through the years I have witnessed the abuse of power and have seen many a debacle. I think what gets my goat the most is when people sell their music and books in church from the pulpit. When this happens I look for an exit to see if Jesus will come storming in to over turn the tables.

Remember, being holy means being set apart for God's use. A vessel that God can fill with His Spirit. It means that we choose to live in a way that allows our cups to be filled by God and not with our own poisonous concoctions. The sign of a great leader is one who allows room for others to take his job if the Lord requires it.When God closes one door He opens another somewhere else.

Returning to my point about the Mega Church. As Christians some of us complain about everything. We complain about the size of a church, the worship team and the pastor. If a church is too small it cant be  popular or healthy. If a church is too large then  we say that their is no accountability and we just get lost in the crowd. Do you see a pattern forming here? We complain about everything. So did the Israelites. Read your bible about the exodus and their subsequent desert wanderings. So what ever church God leads you to, whether mega or minuscule, just be content and fill your cups with joy! Fill them to overflowing. One day, really soon,  we will all be together with God drinking cups, filled with new wine, at our wedding celebration in heaven.

So we all have a choice to make. We can be jealous and envious about the Smiths and the Jones or just be content with our situations right where God plants us. Just occupy until Jesus returns for us. Being set apart for good works that He prepared in advance that we should walk in them.