Zero point energy is the idea that what we think of as empty space is really not empty at all. That inside of empty space is a micro world of small sub atomic particles called quarks. Experiments have already demonstrated that light exhibits properties found in both waves and particles. It would seem that something or Someone is holding the universe together.
Do you believe in God? I do. I define my faith as believing in something unseen. Faith is probably the most valuable commodity in this universe. Kings and queens have fought wars over it. Science refuses to believe in it. Mothers and fathers believe in it as they watch the arrival of their new baby into this world. Preachers try and communicate it and congress tries to legislate it but at the end of the day each individual has to accept the existence of it. The reality of it is that "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God."
As we grow in this life we learn that a chair is solid enough to sit on, a red strawberry will melt sweetly in our mouths. And as very young children we learn sometimes the hard way that a stove can be hot when the burners are turned on, water can not only quench our thirst but will fill our lungs if we don't yet know how to swim. Dogs can bite, bees sting and people can be both merciful and demonic.
When I first believed in God and more specifically the gospel I wanted everyone to know it too. I would spend endless hours telling people about Jesus Christ until I was blue in the face. Eventually I pushed people away and no one wanted to be around me anymore. Now I realize that faith is a very personal gift from God that cannot be imparted to others as a solid handshake, a warm hug or by breaking off a piece of it. It has to personalized into our being, into the depth of our souls.
You know it is allot like zero point energy. It exists. But will you personally embrace it? Will you take a step in faith and begin your journey into eternity? I spend many hours studying the bible and each day I discover yet another truth embedded in the scriptures. As Chuck Missler once said "The bible is like a hologram". It’s like when a laser is used to photograph something the resulting negative resembles a cloudy mess under normal light but when the negative is illuminated with laser light a three dimensional photograph can be seen. And I might add that you can cut a small piece of the negative out from anywhere and you will get the complete picture. Our bible is indeed like a hologram where unless you believe in God through faith and have the Holy Spirit inside you illuminating the written word you will never see the picture of what God has accomplished for you.
Yes, our God is holy (set apart). He cannot tolerate anything less than perfection. Sin is simply missing God's perfect target bulls eye. In fact sin is falling short of the target altogether. There is nothing you can do to change that fact on your own merit. There is no penance to perform, a quantity of work to do you simply must believe in faith. Many have tried to earn their salvation. Martin Luther tried and his complete failure led him to the foot of the cross, where he gazed at the hands and feet of grace. That is why God had to enter His own creation and redeem us. Jesus was both God and man. He was sinless perfection in this world. Jesus redeemed us by paying our "sin debt". Your debt was paid in full on a Roman, wooden cross some nineteen hundred years ago. Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
Do you believe in God? Will you discover faith? Our world economy will continue to fluctuate like the ocean's tides, our loved ones will continue to pass away from this world, simply put life will go on. But the question that will always be before you is "Do you believe in God?". Choose life, choose love and believe in God and what He has done for you! Take your first step of faith and just believe in the existence of God. And as His new Spirit filled light illuminates His words you will begin to understand and see into the hidden world of faith.