God created Adam first, right? Adam gave names to all the animals in the garden. Have you ever pondered on that? The naming of the porcupine makes some sense, you know with all its quills and little spines, as you might get "porc-ed" by them. I can even see the naming of the duck has some merit as the bird flew too close to Adam's head he had to "duck". But just think about some of the other names Adam gave the animals. Giraffe, elephant, even lion or tiger were names we have grown up with but what do they really mean and in what language did Adam first speak them? A better question would be who was Adam speaking to?
Now God is omniscient which means He knows everything and He cant learn anything. He knew Adam was all alone in the garden and that he would become very lonely so God made woman. Now 50% of my readers are women so you can bet the bank I'll be treading very lightly here. It's no mystery why God made woman so beautiful, with all the right curves in all the right places, but why did God make man so dumb? A better question would be "Why did He leave man in charge"? How many Geo-Political debacles have we been dragged through because of bad decisions made by powerful men? How many women in history have shouted from the roof tops "Worship me, I am God!" Man's certainly not a creature whose first reaction is to nurture, no but rather to pick up a stick and beat his brother to death with it.
My wife Pam is no doubt much more intelligent than I am and she is my peer. She has two bachelor degrees in the science field, works part time, is able to keep the house looking immaculate, does Crossword and Sudoku puzzles the latter of which I am still trying to understand how to add up all the numbers. But let me ask you this, if she is so smart why did she marry me? Someone who drops his clothes on the floor as he makes his way to the shower. A man who when he cooks ends up with more food on the floor then in his mouth. A person who has never; washed a load of clothes, made up the bed, cleaned up after a meal, changed a diaper, disciplined his children, planned a romantic moment, balanced a check book, paid any bills, washed the car, you know its a miracle I have survived at all in this world.
So back to the beginning where God put Adam to sleep and removed one of his ribs. He then fashioned woman from this flesh. Remember, God made Adam from the dirt. God called this new creation "woman" because she was taken out of the man. Eve was always intended by God to be Adam's equal and to complete him which is exactly what women do.
So what's all the fuss with the battling of the sexes, and all the miss understandings about? Men and women have different roles in God's plan. Men are the protectors and while racing through life towards the finish line they are really preoccupied with that purpose. Men are always thinking about what might happen around the next corner and have multiple plans brewing in our minds at any one moment. But men, despite all their faults, have a few redeeming traits as they have painted some of the most beautiful paintings in the world, built some of the tallest buildings, penned some of the best literature, sailed the first ocean crossings, ran the fastest mile and yes, invented Sudoku puzzles. But if I were Adam, I would have named woman...."Priceless".
Now God is omniscient which means He knows everything and He cant learn anything. He knew Adam was all alone in the garden and that he would become very lonely so God made woman. Now 50% of my readers are women so you can bet the bank I'll be treading very lightly here. It's no mystery why God made woman so beautiful, with all the right curves in all the right places, but why did God make man so dumb? A better question would be "Why did He leave man in charge"? How many Geo-Political debacles have we been dragged through because of bad decisions made by powerful men? How many women in history have shouted from the roof tops "Worship me, I am God!" Man's certainly not a creature whose first reaction is to nurture, no but rather to pick up a stick and beat his brother to death with it.
My wife Pam is no doubt much more intelligent than I am and she is my peer. She has two bachelor degrees in the science field, works part time, is able to keep the house looking immaculate, does Crossword and Sudoku puzzles the latter of which I am still trying to understand how to add up all the numbers. But let me ask you this, if she is so smart why did she marry me? Someone who drops his clothes on the floor as he makes his way to the shower. A man who when he cooks ends up with more food on the floor then in his mouth. A person who has never; washed a load of clothes, made up the bed, cleaned up after a meal, changed a diaper, disciplined his children, planned a romantic moment, balanced a check book, paid any bills, washed the car, you know its a miracle I have survived at all in this world.
So back to the beginning where God put Adam to sleep and removed one of his ribs. He then fashioned woman from this flesh. Remember, God made Adam from the dirt. God called this new creation "woman" because she was taken out of the man. Eve was always intended by God to be Adam's equal and to complete him which is exactly what women do.
So what's all the fuss with the battling of the sexes, and all the miss understandings about? Men and women have different roles in God's plan. Men are the protectors and while racing through life towards the finish line they are really preoccupied with that purpose. Men are always thinking about what might happen around the next corner and have multiple plans brewing in our minds at any one moment. But men, despite all their faults, have a few redeeming traits as they have painted some of the most beautiful paintings in the world, built some of the tallest buildings, penned some of the best literature, sailed the first ocean crossings, ran the fastest mile and yes, invented Sudoku puzzles. But if I were Adam, I would have named woman...."Priceless".